Special Update:
GRHS Athletic Hall of Fame link:
The "Career" page of this web site contains a wealth of
useful information. Please help support fellow Glen Rockers listed
here by utilizing their talents and services. Feel free to contact
them for valuable advice they can provide you. Click on the
green to e-mail them, and click on the
red to see their corporate web site.
The "College" page of this web site lists the Colleges alphabetically
that Glen Rock High School Alumni have attended along with the students'
e-mail links. Feel free to ask them
how they enjoyed their college experience.
The "Reunion" page of this web site should be an enormous help in organizing
our reunions. Please e-mail us to post information here at
On the individual year pages, you will find an alphabetical listing of
classmates along with their e-mail addresses. If their name is
highlighted in green, then you can click
to e-mail them. If it is highlighted in blue,
that means we have been unable to locate them. Please let us know if
you can help us locate them, or have them contact us at
There is a wonderful group of people that compose each class, and as the
years pass it becomes increasingly difficult for people to stay in touch
with each other.
NOTE: Each class is not limited to those who happened to graduate with us.
It includes all those who would have been in our graduating year.
Please let us know your e-mail address(es)
and web site(s) at
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
~ ~ ~ ~
Blue=Please help us find them.
Green=e-mail address
(Click on
these names to e-mail them.)
Italic=In memory of classmates reported as deceased.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
~ ~ ~ ~
*The alphabetical listing below will help you locate Glen Rock
Alumni. Then, click on their graduating year link to see if their
e-mail link is available on their class page.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
~ ~
1981 Richard Iacobelli
1970 Rosemarie Iacono
1968 Salvatore Iacono
2011 Jaime Ianniello
1978 Geri (Iacovino) Ingram
1980 Kim Iacovino
1976 Paul Iacovino
1981 Jodi (Iacovino) Grosso
1969 Charles Iacuzzo
1965 Michele Iacuzzo
1993 Nicole Iandimarino
1988 Vincent Iandimarino
1992 Kazuo Ichikawa
1995 Oshi Ichikawa
Alexandra Idy
2011 Katherine Ilenko
2007 Sara Ilenko
2005 Stephanie Ilenko
1994 Susan Impalla
1998 Erin Indoe
2000 Laura Indoe
1989 Philip Ing
1990 Ryan Ing
2005 Anthony Ingersoll
2003 Jacqueline Ingersoll
Charles Ingulli
1971 Mary Ingulli
1964 Sandra Ingulli
1968 Ramona Invidiato
1972 Steven Invidiato
1965 Anthony Inzerillo
1972 Marlene Iodice
1975 Michelle (Iodice) Vanderbeck
1970 Jacqueline Iozia
1981 Peter Iozia
1974 Phyllis Iozia
1966 Thomas Iozia
1990 Diana Irwin
2011 Jenna Irwin
2009 Julie Irwin
1987 Robert Irwin
1983 Thomas Irwin
2012 Julia Isaac
2016 Matthew Isaac
2023 Isabelle Isani
1978 Carolyn Ishii
1980 Robert Ishii
1976 Roger Ishii
1980 Bruno Isonio
1988 Lee Isonio
1977 Maureen (Isonio) Hsiao
1965 Joanne Isselmann
1966 Kristin Isselmann
1960 Paula Isselmann
Devyn D Ivers
2009 Kristen Ivory
2010 Nicholas Ivory
1975 Bill Izer
1973 Robert Izer
1977 Thomas Izer
2003 Janice Jablonski
2000 Lisa Jablonski
2001 Anthony Jackson
1973 Barry Jackson
1968 Cheryl Jackson
1970 Mark Jackson
1968 Martha Jackson
2020 Morgan Jackson
Payton M Jackson
1969 Richard Jackson
Ruth Jackson
1986 Amos Jacobovits
2012 Benjamin Jacobs
1967 Jacalyn Jacobs
1978 Jodee Jacobs
1974 Julie Jacobs
Lillian (Jacobs)
1973 Randi Jacobs
2014 Rebecca Jacobs
1977 Scott Jacobs
1970 Warren Jacobs
1974 Debra Jacobson
2017 Alethea Jadick
2008 Megan Jaen
2007 Tyler Jaen
1996 Amit Jain
1987 Hemant Jain
2010 Saanya Jain
1989 Daniel Jakobovits
1986 Christopher James
1983 Dierdre James
1981 Julianne James
1989 Lori James
1980 Marilee James
1965 Mary James
1985 Nancy James
1963 Shedrick James III
1980 Stephen James
1991 Tara James
1965 William James
2002 Albert Jang
2006 Jennifer Jang
2006 Kijun Jang
2005 Yae Na Jang
1963 Thomas Janicke
1959 Janet Janowitz
Robert Janowitz
1965 Marc Janowitz
1976 Gavin January
2005 Jessica Janusee
1986 Valerie Jarsma
2002 Jessalin Jaume
1999 Maria Jaume
1971 Judith Jeandros
1969 Diane Jefferson
1966 Jean Jefferson
2018 Spencer Jeffries
2002 Amanda Jekowsky
2008 Emma Jekowsky
1997 Daniel Jemal
1998 Michael Jemal
1989 Glenn Jenkins
1992 Melissa Jenkins
1970 Christine Jenks
1975 Nancy Jenks
2018 Anne Jennings
1996 Bethany Jennings
1970 Irma Jennings
1976 James Jennings
1992 Joanna Jennings
1975 John Jennings
1981 Michael Jennings
1971 Patricia Jennings
1993 Rebecca Jennings
2021 Sarah Jennings
1987 Thomas Jennings
1979 Patricia (Jennings) Carter
1969 David Jensen
1968 Gail Jensen
2016 Jack Jensen
2010 Josh Jensen
1965 Jeanne Jensen
2019 Matthew Jensen
1967 Meredith Jensen
Richard Jensen
1972 Robin Jensen
1961 Steven Jensen
1975 Stu Jensen
1968 Jeanne Jensma
2018 Daniel Jeon
2006 Evan Jerfsten
2010 Kaycey Jerman
2001 Kristin Jerome
2003 Leah Jerome
2011 Ralph Jerome
1977 Kimberly Jeromin
1991 Jennifer Jewel
1994 Donald Jewell
1964 Bryan Jinnett III
1967 Robert Jinnett
2015 Tyler Joachim
2023 Kira Joe
1972 Robert Johann
1970 Stephen Johann
1968 Anders Johansson
1980 Christian Johansson
1978 Lise Johansson
1981 Mark Johnsen
2010 Austin Johnson
1984 Carl Johnson
1988 Christopher Johnson
1968 Cynthia Johnson
1975 D. Johnson
1979 Darryl Johnson
1971 Debra Johnson
1970 Donna Johnson
1978 Donna Johnson
1970 Doug Johnson
2004 Douglas Johnson
1970 Eric Johnson
1984 Erika Johnson
1965 Garner Johnson
1967 Gary Johnson
1966 George Johnson
2018 Hallie Johnson
2001 Ian Johnson
2003 Jacqueline Johnson
1970 Janice Johnson
1980 Jeff Johnson
1972 Jeffrey Johnson
1990 Jennifer Johnson
2005 Jillian Johnson
1967 Judith Johnson
1975 Keith Johnson
1986 Kenneth Johnson
1965 Leo Johnson III
1981 Lori-Ann Johnson
1970 Louis Johnson
1970 Mary Johnson
2000 Matthew Johnson
1963 Nelson Johnson
1984 Pamela Johnson
1968 Paulette Johnson
1975 Peter Johnson
2021 Raegan Johnson
1994 Robin Johnson
1978 Roy Johnson II
1964 Sandra Johnson
1975 Stacy (Johnson) Colamussi
1983 Theresa (Johnson) Cole
1969 Thomas Johnson
1981 Thomas Johnson
2010 Travon Johnson
1982 Wayne Johnson
1972 William Johnson
1987 William Johnson
1974 Donald Johnston
1966 Elizabeth Johnston
2015 Kathryn Johnston
1968 Marcia Johnston
1963 Paul Johnston
1970 Robert Johnston
1980 Einar Joks
1975 Virve (Joks) Lane
1972 Amy Jolliffe
1970 Lillian Jolliffe
2006 Alyssa Jones
1959 Catherine Jones
2010 Christie Jones
2016 Colin Jones
Craig Jones
1959 Eileen Jones
2017 Erica Jones
2016 Erin Jones
Evan V Jones
1986 Griffith Jones
2020 Griffith Jones
2020 Jack Jones
2000 Jamar Jones
2011 Jamel Jones
2010 Katelynn Jones
1967 Kathleen Jones
1975 Keith Jones
1982 Kenneth Jones
2011 Kerrie Jones
1978 Kevin Jones
2014 Lara Jones
2015 Lauren Jones
1999 Lawry Jones
2021 Luke Jones
2018 Madison Jones
1960 Marion Jones
1968 Mark Jones
1964 Michael Jones
1983 Mona Jones
1992 Naomi Jones
2016 Nicole Jones
1989 Noelle Jones
1963 Patricia Jones
1987 Sean Jones
2008 Shannon Jones
2003 Vanessa Jones
2010 Victoria Jones
Whitfield Jones
1976 Kim Jones-Gervais
1965 Barbara Jonic
1970 Florence Jonic
1968 Mary Jonic
Rohan Jonnalagadda
Carole Jordan
2010 Eric Jordan
1960 Joyce Jordan
2008 Matthew Jordan
2014 Presley Jorge
2019 Dylan Jorgensen
2014 Matthew Jorgensen
2001 Kimberly Jose
1964 France Jossen
1982 James Jost
1983 Lisa Jost
1997 Heather Jozak
1970 Alan Judd
1963 Ann Judd
1967 Norman Judd
1966 Margaret Judge
1978 Robert Judge
William Judge
2011 Dakota
Alling Judy
2018 Camille Juliana
2016 Gabriella Juliana
2021 Jack Juliana
2011 Cyril Julianda
2009 Jason
2012 Jessica Julianda
1977 Elaine Jung
1994 Jennifer Jung
1976 Patricia Jung
1984 Thomas Jung
1979 Timothy Jung
1981 Cynthia (Jung) Wagner
2021 Khakim Junisbayev
1983 Thomas Junkin
1971 Alan Jurewicz
1965 Cynthia Jurewicz
1960 John Jurewicz
1968 Joan Jurgensen
1972 Robin Juris
1964 Steven Juris
1967 Tamara Juris
2004 Jessica Just
1972 Geregory Juston
1975 Richard Kachadurian
2005 Kamil Kaczynski
1976 Craig Kafafian
1962 Donald Kafafian
1965 Donald Kafafian
1978 Lori Kafafian
1970 Patricia Kafafian
1973 Robert Kafafian
1972 Robin Kafafian
1999 Talene Kafafian
1983 Jeffrey Kahan
1989 Reyna Kahan
1979 Carolynn (Kahan) Meyer
1977 Amy Kahn
1972 Anthony Kahn
1970 Carolyn Kahn
1973 Howard Kahn
2004 Jocelyn Kahn
1996 Lisamarie Kahn
2000 Melanie Kahn
2011 Michelle Kahn
1974 Robert Kahn
1975 Robert Kahn
1993 Stacey Kahn
1996 Cecily Kaiser
1998 Lisbeth Kaiser
2001 Elissa Kalivas
2005 Evis Kallfa
2002 Caroline Kalkut
2001 Kevin Kalkut
2009 Denis Kallfa
2006 Eric Kalmbach
2004 Keith Kalmbach
2023 Diya Kamble
1975 Laurie Kamps
2016 Adam Kane
2018 Allison Kane
2009 Brendan Kane
2012 Erin Kane
2001 Erinn Kane
2004 Gerard Kane
2009 Jessica Kane
2015 Jonathan Kane
2009 Kevin Kane
1963 Marie Kane
2007 Meghan Kane
2019 Meghan Kane
2000 Aya Kaneko
1997 Kei Kaneko
1983 Amy Kang
1985 Jean Kang
2007 Jennifer Kang
1988 Karen Kang
1996 Sammy Kang
2021 Jason Kapiloff
2018 Nathan Kapiloff
1992 Andrew Kaplan
1992 Bret Kaplan
1995 Jamie Kaplan
1977 Robyn Kaplan
1979 Steven Kaplan
2011 Christian Kapotes
2009 Emma Kapotes
2007 Zachary Kapotes
1969 James Karanikolas
1966 William Karanikolas
1973 Beverly Karas
1977 Joanne Karas
2015 Delaine Karcanes
2010 Louis Karcanes
1999 Rebecca Karger
1998 George Kargiolakis
1973 Adele Karig
1970 Amy Karig
1975 Mitch Karig
1994 Eric Karlson
1991 Gustaf Karlson III
2010 Thomas Karole
1976 Gayle Karotz
1970 Linda Karotz
2020 Sofia Karras
2019 Niko Karras
1972 Deborah Kartoz
2017 Camille Kaselow
1966 Evelyn Kaselow
1975 Fred Kaselow
2012 Jocelyn Kaselow
1971 Joseph Kaselow
2014 William Kaselow
1969 Kyoko Kashibuchi
1977 Dale Kashkin
1977 Kevin Kassel
1968 Maureen Kassel
2008 Kylie Kassoy
2021 Madeline Kassoy
2021 Andrew Kastelman
2017 Noah Kastelman
1978 Robert Kate
2019 Joe Katsenelinboigen
1968 Arnold Kattermann
2000 August Kattermann III
1998 Diane Kattermann
1967 August Kattermann, Jr.
1971 Audrie Katz
1973 Jonathan Katz
1975 Larry Katz
2002 Marisa Katz
1997 Paul Katz
2020 Benjamin Katzman
1979 Betsy (Kauffman) Usami
2002 David Kaufman
1987 Ian Kaufman
1990 Randi Kaufman
1974 Robert Kaufman
1972 William Kaufman
1998 Laura Kaufmann
2016 Nicholas Kaukonen
2014 Thomas Kaukonen
2021 Arshnoor Kaur
2015 Balpreet Kaur
2021 Paraspreet Kaur
2021 Simrandip Kaur
2014 Gurpreet Kaur
Shruti Kaur
1985 Sandeep Kaushal
1961 Steven Kavner
2001 Yoriko Kawaratani
2002 Yuri Kawaratani
2012 Aaron Kay
2009 Ariel Kay
1989 Christina Kay
2009 David Kay
2006 Ian Kay
1985 Riva Kay
1980 Robin Kay
1967 Kathleen Kayne
1975 Kris (Kayne) Mirrer
Brianna F Kaz
2020 Samuel Kaz
2020 Connor Kazanjian
2016 Itay Kazaz
2021 Shiri Kazaz
2022 Vincent Kazella
2012 Adam Kazimierczak
1999 Aleksandra Kazimierczak
1977 Nancy Keane
1972 Thomas Keane
1975 Carol (Keane) Collins
2004 Kevin Kearns
2012 Kristen Kearns
2002 Margaret Kearns
2007 Patrick Kearns
2008 Ryan Kearns
Daniel Keefe
2016 Elizabeth Keefe
2003 Edward Keeney
1965 Robert Keenoy
1993 Thomas Keenoy
1967 Douglas Keffer
1970 Priscilla Keffer
1965 Stephen Keffer
2006 Cary Kehayan
2019 Annaliese Kehm
2007 Michael Kehoe
1975 P. Kehoe
2016 Allison Keller
2006 Brianna Keller
2011 Brianne Keller
2017 Caroline Keller
1978 Jeanne Keller
2009 Joseph Keller
2008 Matthew Keller
2012 Patrick Keller
2018 James Kellerk
2021 Kate Kellerk
2012 John (Jack) Kellerman
2007 Kathleen Kellerman
1971 Richard Kellerman
2011 Thomas Kellerman
2009 Brianna Kelly
2018 Derek Kelly
1972 Dierdre Kelly
1967 Donna Kelly
2006 J Mack Kelly
2016 Julia Kelly
2018 Katherine Kelly
2015 Kathryn "Kate" Kelly
1960 Kathleen Kelly
Kevin Kelly
2012 Meaghan
2021 Ryan Kelly
1974 Andrew Kemp
1975 Andrew Kemp
1966 John Kennard
1968 Sarah Kennard
2021 Aidan Kennedy
1988 Douglas Kennedy
2015 Dylan Kennedy
1977 Kathleen Kennedy
1982 Kathleen Kennedy
2021 Kevin Kennedy
2023 Kieran Kennedy
1966 Marlyn Kennedy
1979 Michael Kennedy
2014 Sean Kennedy
1998 William Kennedy
1975 Chris Kennelly
1971 Grace Kennelly
1967 John Kennelly
1975 Nancy Kennelly
1969 Stephen Kennelly
1982 Virginia Kennelly
2010 Kaleigh Kenney
Kevin Kenney
1972 Ellen Kent
1975 Jim Kent
1989 Kevin Kenyon
1994 Michele Kenyon
1997 Nicholas Kenyon
1987 Sean Kenyon
1974 Eileen Kerbs
1978 Kenneth Kerbs
1972 Linda Kerbs
2002 Jason Kerebs
1964 Raymond Keremer
1978 Michael Kerlen
1981 Sonja Kerlen
1976 Leslie Kern
1982 Robert Kern
1973 Stephen Kern
2021 Allison Kerper
2019 Caroline Kerper
1964 Patricia Kerr
1987 Eileen Kerrigan
1986 Laura Kerrigan
1989 Lynn Kerrigan
1982 Susan Kerrigan
1965 Carse Kershaw
1962 Janet Kessler
1965 Janet Kessler
1976 Margaret Keyser
1968 Susan Keyser
1970 Thomas Keyser
2005 Alexander Khojainov
2021 Rachel Khusid
2009 Ilan Khutorsky
2012 Raphael Khutorsky
1990 Kelly Kiernan
1987 Kim Kiernan
1990 Thomas Kietur
1993 Daisuke Kihara
1967 Christine Kiley
1971 Douglas Kiley
1974 Jan Kiley
1995 Erin Kilhaney
1990 Mark Kilhaney
1989 Michael Kilhaney
1964 Joseph Kill
1966 Judith Kill
1971 Carol Killeen
1973 Kathryn Killeen
1967 Janis Kilroy
Alice Kim
2009 Andrew Kim
2015 Andrew Kim
2006 Annie (Yoon-Ji) Kim
2012 Annie Kim
2023 Audrey Kim
1998 Bum Kim
2006 Christine Kim
2007 Christine Kim
2001 Dae Kim
2006 Daniel Kim
2003 David Kim
2005 David Kim
2012 Donyoung Kim
2000 Edward Kim
2012 Esther Kim
2014 Esther Kim
2020 Eunsoo Kim
2011 Grace Kim
2019 Handeul Kim
2018 Hyunsoo Kim
Jae Young Kim
1997 Jane Kim
2023 Jason Kim
2004 Jeffrey Kim
1999 John Kim
2004 John Kim
2003 Joon Kim
Joseph Kim
2019 Joshua Kim
1985 Jun Kim
2008 Justin Kim
2008 Ki Kim
2009 Ki Yoon Kim
2003 Mijin Kim
2023 Mikayla Kim
2008 Philip Kim
2020 Robert Kim
1998 Soyeon Kim
1984 Taik Kim
2000 William Kim
2009 Yi-Eun Kim
2007 Yoon Soo (John) Kim
Andrew Kinbacher
1967 Donald Kinbacher
1968 Jeffrey Kinbacher
1974 Mark Kincheloe
1971 Michael Kincheloe
1988 Christine King
1974 Coleman King
1961 David King
1975 David King
1977 David King
1968 Audrey King
1973 William King
1983 James King
1995 Jennifer King
1978 Kathleen King
1971 Kathleen King
1970 Martha King
1989 Meghan King
2011 Meredith King
1984 Robert King
2020 Robert King
1980 Stephen King
2014 Steven King
1986 Susan King
1981 Timothy King
1978 Shane King II
1975 Diana (King) Lorentz
1979 Betty Jane (King) Rainey
1967 Alan Kingston
1973 Jack Kingston
2017 Jake Kinney
Jesse Kinney
2010 Jimmy Kinney
1968 Mark Kinni
1974 Paul Kinni
1966 Phyllis Kinni
2018 Jacqueline Kinsella
2021 Nicole Kinsella
1968 William Kinsley
1966 Joan Kinzley
1987 Brian Kipp
1985 Sandra Kipp
1960 Eleanore Kirchhof
1966 Karen Kirchhof
2020 Isis Kirkland
2020 Abby Kirsch
1971 Beth Kirsch
2010 Daniel Kirsch
2023 Emma Kirsch
1964 Florence Kirsch
2007 Jordan Kirsch
1968 Leslie Kirsch
1972 Wendy Kirsch
1960 George Kirsten III
1963 Raymond Kirsten
2019 Takeru Kishida
1984 Gwendolyn Kishpaugh
1981 Laura Kishpaugh
2010 Tyler Kitchell
2010 Brittany Kitchen
1960 Kathryn Kitson
1965 Patricia Kitson
Susan (Kitson)
1974 Walter Kitson
2020 Alyssa Kitz
2000 Michael Klapper
1979 Alice (Klar) Amerault
1973 Luann Klar
1964 Lawrence Klar
1966 Lorraine Klar
2002 Benjamin Klein
1970 Carol Klein
1966 Daniel Klein
2005 David Klein
1972 Donna Klein
2014 Ethan Klein
2019 Evan Klein
2004 Lauren Klein
2005 Melanie Klein
1972 Russell Klein
2006 Christopher Kleinknecht
2008 Danica Kleinknecht
1966 Dennis Kleinman
1968 Diann Kleinman
1964 William Kleinman
1971 Arlene Klepfisz
1972 Jeffrey Klepfisz
1959 John Klippel
1991 Paul Klodowski
1980 Scott Klodowski
2021 Marco Klug
2005 Christopher Klunek
2004 Julie Kluska
2002 Theodore Kluska
1959 Elinor Knadel
1984 Harold Knapp III
1982 Kristin Knapp
1995 Laura Knapp
1999 Tracey Knapp
2009 Daniel Knauer
1965 David Knauer
Robert Knauer
1963 Andrea Knecht
1959 Susan Knecht
1959 Suzanne Knecht
1999 Matthew Kneis
1999 David Knepper
1991 Matthew Knepper
1969 Alicia Knerr
Linda Knerr
2023 Andrew
1979 Julian Knight
2021 Molly Knight
1975 Paul Knight
1989 Judith Knop
1982 Lori-Ellen Knop
1986 Robert Knop
1983 Susan Knop
1965 Janice Knowles
1968 Jo-Ann Knowles
1988 Marc Kobayashi
1993 Miho Kobayashi
1977 Aimee Kobb
1971 Harris Kobb
1973 Mark Kobb
1987 Ann Kobres
1984 Gerard Kobres
1990 Jeffrey Kobuskie
1978 Jill Kobuskie
2017 Marisa Kobylowski
2019 Sophia Kobylowski
1978 Katherine Koch
1974 Nancy (Koch) Schmid
1969 Robert Koch
1972 Susan Koch
2023 Elizabeth Kochel
2020 Adam Kochman
2018 Justin Kochman
1986 David Kodama
1986 David Kodama
1988 Lizette Kodama
1990 Timothy Kodama
1984 Douglas Koehler
1975 Margaret (Koehler) Dean
1973 Robert Koehler
1982 Stephen Koehler
1977 Xenia (Koehler) Hsiao
1987 Karla Koenecke
1978 Susan Koenecke
2015 Abigail Koenig
2018 Caroline Koenig
1964 Karen Koenig
1960 Kenneth Koenig
2015 Jasmin Koester
1965 Donald Kohler
1998 Janna Kohout
1976 Christina Kolb
1986 Christopher Kolb
2004 Julia Kolb
1980 Martin Kolb
1982 Stephanie Kolb
1981 Joanna (Kolb) Chandler
1977 Julie (Kolb) Baker
1978 Elise Kole
1964 Margo Kolkbeck
1970 Francis Koller
1973 Kevin Koller
1969 Michael Koller
1997 Kenneth Kolstad
1992 Nicole Kolstad
1991 Drazen Komarica
2011 Michelle Kong
2015 Moyu Konishi
1990 Anthony Kontoleon
1992 George Kontoleon
2015 Jessica Koo
2012 Jonathan Koo
1968 Carolyn Kopcsik
1967 Jean Kopcsik
2023 Carly Kopelman
1980 Diane Kopelman
1973 Paul Kopelman
1983 Steven Kopelman
1998 Julie Kopf
1995 Wendy Kopf
Frank Kopicki
1962 Estelle Koppelman
1975 Laura (Koppelman) Miller
1968 Marcia Koppelman
1965 Vicki Koppelman
2014 Jeffrey Kopyta
2018 Matthew Kopyta
1990 Alyssa Koransky
1993 Neal Koransky
Evelyn Korinda
2005 Douglas
1969 David Korona
1972 Gail Korona
1969 Arthur Kort
1974 James Kort
1971 Kathryn Kort
2003 Irina Kosoy
1997 Asheley Koster
1995 Emily Koster
1993 Erin Koster
2019 Sarah Kotwica
1981 Bennett Kotz
1974 Rosalind Kotz
2016 Greta Kovacs
2012 Petra Kovacs
1989 Cheryl Kovalick
1993 Janice Kovalick
2008 Michelle Kowal
1974 Linda Kowalcyk
Victoria I Kozinets
2009 Stephen Kozuch
Dennis Kraebel
1965 Karen Kraebel
1967 Patricia Kraebel
1959 Roy Kraebel
2006 Eric Krajac
1981 Andrea Kramer
1973 Edward Kramer
1977 Gerard Kramer
1988 Gregg Kramer
1975 Robert Kramer
1978 Steven Kramer
1981 Susan Kramer
1986 Elizabeth (Kramer) Carr
1983 Carol Krantz
1978 David Krantz
1979 John Krantz
1974 Josh Krantz
1975 Josh Krantz
1971 Steven Krantz
2006 Jeri Krasnoff
2010 Michael Krasnoff
1988 Beverly Kraus
1982 Kevin Kraus
1964 Barbara Krause
1970 Kathryn Krause
1972 Kenneth Krause
1965 Martha Krause
1968 Jeffrey Krauss
1966 John Krauss
1964 Richard Krauss
2000 Daniel Kraut
1997 Devinn Kraut
1966 Richard Krawiec
2007 Ross Krebs
1959 Virginia Krech
1963 Everett Kreider
1960 Sandra Kreider
1969 Sanford Kreider
1979 David Kreiling
1984 Jennifer Krell
Sonya Kremenchugsky
2006 Yelena Kremenchugsky
1986 Barbara Krenrich
1990 Jeffrey Krenrich
1979 Alisa (Krinsky) Reddy
1981 Julie Krinsky
1986 Anil Kripalani
1988 Sunil Kripalani
1972 Sean Krippes
1970 Dale Krohe
1968 Frank Krohe
1967 Barbara Krohn
Joyce Krohn
1969 Paula Krohn
2012 Amanda Kroll
2009 Lauren Kroll
2016 Griffin Kronemer
1990 Frank Krueger
1969 Judith Kruger
1983 Stephen Krupey
1968 John Kruse
1969 Kevin Kubista
2012 Haruna Kubo
2011 Michael Kucharik
1975 Carol (Kuehnert) Seaman
1967 Christine Kuehnert
1972 Mary Kuehnert
1965 Edwin Kuenzler
1960 Janis Kuepper
1964 Karen Kuepper
1963 John Kuerzler
1970 Bryant Kuhn
1994 Jason Kuhnel
1991 Kyle Kuhnel
Christopher Kuiken
2015 Emily Kuiken
1998 Matthew Kuiken
1966 Sharon Kuiken
1959 Gayle Kulick
1971 Cynthia Kuna
1987 Matthew Kuna
1964 Nadine Kuna
1985 Paul Kuna
1966 Stephen Kuna
2010 Max Kundel
2015 Melaney Kundel
1977 David Kunis
1975 Eileen (Kunis) Kooreman
1979 Paul Kunis
1982 Ann Kunz
1980 Dorothy Kunz
1988 James Kunzelman
1973 Chari Kupferstein
1969 Linda Kupferstein
1976 Tina (Kupferstein) Gelber
1970 Donna Kurdock
John Kurdock
1960 Joseph Kurdock
1964 Sally Kurdock
1968 Jane Kurinsky
1967 Susan Kurinsky
1982 Jeffrey Kurland
1985 Orin Kurland
2003 Christine Kurtz
2007 Jeffrey Kurtz
1984 Jerome Kurvin
1995 Elizabeth Kurz
1997 James Kurz
1993 Kathryn Kurz
1969 Judith Kurzweil
1972 Steven Kurzweil
2014 Kohji Kusama
2009 Seina Kusama
2014 Christopher Kusant
2011 Kaitlynn Kusant
2015 Dara Kushnir
2014 Matthew Kushnir
1990 Edward Kuzma
1988 George Kuzma
1986 Michael Kuzma
1990 Sung Kwak
1994 Sungmee Kwak
2008 Angie Kwon
2010 Eugene Kwon
Hannah Kwon
2006 Helene Kwon
Jaejun Kwon
2010 Jaewon Kwon
2015 Joseph Kwon
1997 Kee-Hong Kwon
2005 Michelle Kwon
2009 Mishell Kwon
2006 Paul Kwon
2010 Samuel Kwon
2011 Nicholas La Roux
Patrick La Roux
1969 Gary La Vella
1964 Linda La Barre
1991 Adrienne La Belle
2009 David Labuguen
1959 Betty La Forge
Elwood La Forge
1967 Joann La Forge
Bailey J LaGreca
1960 Lynn La Mela
2016 Thomas LaMacchia
1987 Merritt La Porta
1967 Charles La Torre
1963 Justin Labarbera, Jr.
1988 Jennifer Labelle
1991 Marianna Laccetti
Bailey J LaGreca
1989 Elizabeth Lachnicht
1987 Marie-Ann (Lacitignola) Peters
1989 Virginia Lacitignola
2017 Matthew Lacognata
2006 Kristine Lacuna
1968 Gordon Laforge
2019 Andrew Lagattuta
2020 Tara Lagattuta
Hope E Lagemann
Charles Lagos
Geraldine (Lagos)
2003 Janice Laguerre
2006 Kristina Laguerre
2001 Lkesner Laguerre
1960 Rene Laguerre
1990 Justin Lake
1987 Sangeet Lal
1992 Seema Lal
1978 Barbara Lalicata
1986 David Lalicata
1968 Joseph Lally
1971 Michael Lally
Alisha S Lam
2018 John LaMacchia
1971 Hans Lambers
Christopher Lambert
Jacqueline Lambert
1968 Jo Anne Lambert
1968 Ralph Lamella
1960 Carol Lamken
1963 David Lamken
2001 Danielle Lamond
1965 Allyson Lampe
1963 Richard Lampe
1959 Eugene Lamson
1982 David Landau
1984 Denise Landau
1987 Douglas Landau
1967 Fredric Landau
1961 Howard Landau
1964 William Landau
1969 Phillip Landis
1981 Steven Landis
1973 Tina Landis
1988 Eileen Landman
1984 Julie Landman
1964 Kathryn Lane
1999 Allyson Lang
2002 Elizabeth Lang
1983 Francis Lang
2012 Jennifer Lang
2011 Meaghan Lang
1981 Stephen Lang
2007 Allison Lange
1977 Barbara Lange
2011 Lauren Lange
2016 Matthew Lange
1963 Anita Langele
1959 Emil Langele
1967 Kenneth Langfield
1970 Russell Langfield
Veronica (Langfield)
1970 Kathie Langla
1970 Timothy Lank
1969 Kenneth Lanzman
1973 Emily Laper
1968 Lawrence Laper
2019 Kate Lapkin
2016 Rachel Lapkin
1988 Donna Laporta
2004 Jason Larkin
1969 Kent Larsen
1963 Lynn Larsen
2003 Timothy Larsen
1971 David Larson
Richard Larson
1966 Susan Larson
1977 Mark Laskowski
1973 Matthew Laskowski
1974 Arlene Last
1967 Lillian Last
2001 Jessica Lathey
2003 Ryan Lathey
1973 Richard LaTorre
2023 Joey Laurel Tufano
1977 Debra (Lauterbach) Steiger
1992 Amy Lautermilch
1998 Erin Lautermilch
1961 John Lautermilch
1989 Lauren Lautermilch
1992 Jacquelyn Laux
1990 Melissa Laux
John LaVella
1987 Robert Lavalle
1965 Valerie Lavella
1978 Eileen (Lavin) Zwerin
1984 James Lavin
1983 Jeanne Lavin
1976 John Lavin
2023 Liam Lavin
1977 Michael Lavin
1981 Monica Lavin
1988 Thomas Lavin
2020 Jeremy LaVine
2020 Spencer LaVine
2015 Trevor LaVine
1997 Danielle Lavorne
2001 Jason Lavorne
1970 Roberta LaVorne
1973 Vincent LaVorne
1976 June Lavovich
1980 Marquez Lawhorn
1978 Kevin Lawhorn
2010 James Lawless
2014 Patrick Lawless
2009 Christine Lawrence
2007 Helen Lawrence
1984 Michele Lawrence
Adam Lawsky
2011 Matthew Lawsky
1966 Anne Lawson
Dennis Lawson
1969 Murray Lawson
2004 Kimberly Laycox
1979 Paul Lazareth
2020 Jordan Lazev
2020 Ryan Lazev
1969 Diane Leaper
1973 Karen Leaper
1972 Pamela Leaper
1977 Robert Leaper
Alexandra Leary
1963 James Leary
2012 Kelsie Leary
1972 Michael Leary
1974 Sara Leary
1978 Louisa (Leary) Messenbrink
2021 Ryan LeBlanc
2002 Corinne Lecourieux
2005 Marc Lecourieux
2019 Ron Ledeniov
2011 Brett Lederer
Kevin T Lederer
Sophie Lederer
2016 Alex Hun Lee
2004 Andrew Lee
Andrew Lee
2023 Andrew Lee
2006 Anna Lee
1966 Bong Lee
2015 Brian Lee
1984 Catherine Lee
2015 Elizabeth Lee
2017 Joseph Lee
2012 Katherine Lee
1961 Carol Virginia (Lee) Haines
2007 Christina Lee
2000 Connie Lee
2001 Daniel Lee
2005 Daniel Lee
2006 Diana Lee
2011 Eileen Bora Lee
1985 Elizabeth Lee
2010 Gena Lee
2011 Ha Bin (Kenny) Lee
1976 Hae Lee
2012 Hee (Megan) Lee
1995 Hyun Lee
2012 Hyun Lee
2003 Irene Lee
2005 Irene Lee
2008 James Lee
2011 James Lee
2007 Jane Lee
2012 Jennifer Lee
1998 Jenny Lee
2010 Ji You Lee
2010 Joo Won Lee
2009 Joshua Lee
2016 Joshua Lee
2010 Keun Lee
1999 Kevin Lee
1973 Kim R. Lee
2004 Mark Lee
1966 Marla Lee
1999 Michael Lee
2001 Michael Lee
2009 Michael Lee
2018 Michael Lee
2000 Minyoung Lee
2016 Noah Lee
1966 Patricia Lee
2005 Prisca Lee
2000 Paul Lee
Richard Lee
1959 Robert Lee
2007 Samuel Lee
1997 Soo-Jin Lee
1998 Soo-Yeon Lee
2002 Steven Lee
2007 Sun Lee
2011 Suzy Lee
2001 Tae-Young Lee
Tracy Lee
1967 William Lee, Jr.
1987 James Leedham
1989 Karena Leedham
2012 Joseph Leem
2000 Jonathan Lees
1992 Claudia Lefas
1960 Annette Legare
1964 Susan Legare
Carolyn Legg
1959 Nancy Legg
1990 Mark Leggatt
1971 Joanne Leggett
1977 Robert Leggett
1973 Suzanne Leggett
1959 Eloise Leib
1986 Christopher Leible
1988 Matthew Leible
2014 Janice Leibman
2012 Mallory Leibman
2010 Samuel Leibman
2015 Danielle Leibu
Jonathan Leibu
2009 Thomas Leidenfrost
1969 Howard Leininger, Jr.
2023 Emma Leishear
2000 Jessica Leitz
1997 Jordan Leitz
Judy Leland
1971 Sharon Lembo
2012 Amanda Lemieux
1981 Claire Lemieux
1976 Louise Lemieux
Marissa Lemieux
1978 Maurice Lemieux
1983 Monique Lemieux
2017 Paige Lemieux
1966 Charles Lemonier
William (Lengyel)
Karen Lenhart
1971 Katherine Leninger
1978 Mary Lennon
1986 Patrick Lennon
1981 Patricia (Lennon) O'Donnell
2002 Anne Lent
1999 Mary Lent
1989 Michelle Lent
1961 Frederick Lentz
1959 George Lentz
1982 Jessie Lenz
1978 Joanne Lenz
1997 Christopher Leonard
1972 David Leonard
1993 Dawn Leonard
1987 Denise Leonard
1986 Dennis Leonard
1968 Edward Leonard
2010 Gerry Leonard
2021 Jack Leonard
1990 James Leonard
2020 James Leonard
1991 Michelle Leonard
2023 Molly Leonard
1961 Richard Leonard
1977 Sally (Leonard) Dionisio
1969 Susan (Leonard) McCabe
1965 John Leonardo
2023 Anthony Leone
1975 Barbara Leone
1966 James Leone
1959 Maria Leone
2003 Dean Leong
2000 Tai Leong
1980 Dawn Lepanto
1977 Lauren Lepanto
1991 James Lepis III
1993 Matthew Lepis
1968 Diane Leptuck
1964 Gregory Lermond
1967 Margaret Lermond
2009 Benjamin Lerner
2003 Jana Lerner
1968 Darlene Lesch
2012 John (Jake) Lescroart
2016 Joshua Lesser
2014 Raquel Lesser
2010 Sarah Lesser
2009 Elizabeth Lesso
2014 Juliana Lesso
1972 Barbara Lester
1966 Jeffrey Lester
2007 Matthew Lester
1978 Brian Leto
1976 David Leto
1975 Richard Leto
1979 Nathan Letts
1980 Sarah Letts-Smith
1994 Camille Leung
2023 Kaesaria Leung
2015 Evgenia Levante
1981 Brian Levay
1984 Scott Levay
2010 Jacob Levene
1967 Albert Levenelm
1968 Candace Levenelm
1981 Jonathan Levenstein
1987 Michael Levenstein
1980 Seth Levenstein
1970 Charles Levermore
1975 Donald Levermore
1976 George Levermore
1973 James Levermore
1971 Linda Levermore
1978 Robert Levermore
2017 Danielle Levi
2006 Judith Levin
1970 Marshall Levin
1980 Paul Levin
2006 Rachel Levin
2001 Sara Levin
Alexa A Levine
2017 Joshua Levine
Marilyn (Levine)
1986 Robert Levine
1989 Thomas Levine
1991 Michael Levison
1994 Zachary Levison
1977 Heidi Lewis
1980 John Lewis
1972 Pamela Lewis
1968 Prudence Lewis
2010 Daniel Lewitt
Julia Lewitt
2020 Parker Li
2002 Chao Liang
1998 Yen Liang
1975 Frank Libby
2021 Allesio (Alex) Liberti
2016 Claudio Liberti
2014 Isabella Liberti
2003 Christen Libertiny
2008 Jacqueline Libertiny
2006 Jennifer Libertiny
1979 Rochelle Liberty
1979 Raenetta (Liberty) Marcus
1987 Jenny Libien
1990 Matthew Libien
2002 Charles Libretto
2002 Katherine Libretto
2002 Christopher Licata
2008 Jenny Licata
2005 Melissa Licata
1963 Arnold Lichtenheim
1960 David Lichtenheim
2017 Brandon Lichtenstein
2020 Spencer Lichtenstein
2003 Lisa Licitra
2001 Timothy Licitra
1983 Chrissa Lieberman
1983 Gary Lieberman
1977 Janine Lieberman
1983 Mitchell Lieberman
1981 Ilene (Lieberman) Nolte
1968 Babette Lienhard
1966 Marcella Lienhard
1978 Jaap Lievisse Adriaanse
1975 Karen Lievisse-Adriaanse
David Light
1965 Richard Light
Donald Liguori
2011 Meredith
2023 Alex Liliebladh
1988 Eric Liliebladh
1967 Edith Lilley
1964 Marianne Lilley
Susan Lilley
1963 Gregory Lillo
1971 Katherine Lilly
1974 Laura Lilly
1979 Patricia Lilly
2010 Andrew Lim
2006 Arthur Lim
1988 Gina Limandri
1975 Audrey (Limonta) Anderson
2003 Alan Lin
2000 Amy Lin
2011 Benjamin Lin
2006 Nicholas Lin
2000 Patrick Lin
1997 Spencer Lin
2012 Sophie Lindberg
1976 Anne Lindegard
1978 Caryn (Lindegard) Grim
1973 Richard Lindegard
1970 Jeffrey Lindegard
1975 Linda (Lindell) Fromm
1986 Anna Linder
2001 Jared Linder
1983 Joanne Linder
1999 Justin Linder
2020 Ana Lindley
2019 Stephen Lindley
2007 William Lindsey
1961 James Lindstrom
1972 Kenneth Lindstrom
1973 Kevin Lindstrom
1974 Amy Linscott
1975 Chris Linscott
1973 Martin Linton
1971 Ronald Linton
1974 Barbara (Lipack) Skora
1978 Kenneth Lipack
1977 Karen (Lipack) Erlich
1996 Andrea Lipman
1993 Matthew Lipman
Dale Lippincott
1965 Jill Lippincott
Cheryl Lippman
2008 Patricia Lipscomb
Robert Lipscomb
1969 Stephen Lipscomb
2023 Polina Lipsits
2019 Jared Lipsky
2016 Jeremy Lipsky
2014 Justin Lipsky
2014 Anna Lis
Ethan Lis
2017 Steven Lis
Karen Lisbeth
1964 John Lisbeth
1970 Jeffrey Lischin
1966 Stevi Lischin
1975 Brenda (Liss) Bitan
1970 Ellen Liss
1979 Jeffrey Liss
1973 Mary Liss
1972 Michael Liss
1964 Robin Liss
1974 Samuel Liss
1985 Aline Litchfield
1980 Anna Litchfield
1977 John Litchfield
Max Litke
2008 Samantha Litt
2010 Valerie Litt
James Little
1969 Marcia Little
1966 Michele Little
1975 Debbie (Little) Walker
1981 Gina (Littlehales) Dekens
1983 Lori Littlehales
2021 Benjamin Litvany
2023 Owen Litvany
1976 Juliet Liu
1992 Emery Livingston
1995 Philip Livingston III
1989 J Patrick Ljunggren
2014 Florencia Llosas
2016 Nicolas Llosas
1971 Frederick Lloyd
2018 Michael Lloyd
1966 William Lloyd
2018 Tyler Lo
1976 Karen Lobosco
1971 Lewis Lobosco
1978 Andrew Lobsenz
1983 James Lobsenz
1980 Joanne Lobsenz
Joseph Lobuono
1972 Susan Lobuono
1969 Elizabeth Locke
1972 John Locke
1968 Mary Locke
1974 Patricia Locke
Archie Locker
1969 Patricia Locker
1988 Marisa Lockmeyer
1995 Michael Lockmeyer
1966 Audrey Lodato
1971 Margaret Lodwick
1974 Marion Lodwick
1984 Jennifer Loeffler
1986 Karen Loefler
1985 Julie Loenecke
1976 John Loftus
1975 Karen Loftus
1973 Kimberley Loftus
1959 Lois Lohmann
2010 Andrew Lohr
2018 Caroline Lohr
2008 Jacqueline Lohr
2020 James Lohr
2012 Julia Lohr
2017 Kelly Lohr
1977 Laurie Loken
1980 Ronald Loken
1973 James Lomacchio
1969 Robert Lomacchio
1970 Robert Lomacchio
1977 Emil Lomauro
1979 Gary Lomauro
1974 Janet (Lomauro) DePrima
1965 Joanne Lomauro
1968 Robert Lomauro
Robert Lombardi
1985 Roberta Lombardi
2012 Amanda Lomega
1993 Antun Loncar
1964 Barbara London
1960 Joanna London
2018 Alexandra Long
Andrew V Long
1975 George Long
2007 James Long
2010 Nicholas Long
1962 Richard Long
1965 James Long
1965 Ingrid Longden
2011 Allison Lont
1973 Joan Lopardo
1967 John Lopardo
1970 Thomas Lopardo
1989 Jennifer Lopes
1993 Jessica Lopes
2021 Matthew Lopez
2007 Milagros Lopez
1978 Richard Lopez
2005 Dana LoPiccolo
2011 Nina LoPiccolo
2015 Sara LoPiccolo
1984 Ingrid Loren
2017 Alyssa Lorenz
2018 Olivia Lorenzo
2017 Matthew Loscalzo
2020 Myles Loscalzo
2021 Amanda Lota
1976 Charles Lota
2016 Melanie Lota
1986 Michael Lota
1967 Thomas Lota
1969 Roy Lott III
1998 Chaio-Sung Lou
2000 Gregory Lou
1996 Jennifer Lou
2000 Travis Lou
2023 Danny Loughran
Lorraine (Lovecchio) Fredericks
1966 Katherine Lovenduski
1968 Peggy Lovenduski
Walter Lovenduski
1972 Wendy Low
1987 Tracy Lowman
Jonas Lowry
2009 Jeffrey Lu
2011 Yi-An Lu
1976 Dori Lubitz
1965 Murray Lubitz
1970 Phyllis Lubitz
1981 Betsy (Lubitz) Bloom
1975 Nancy Lucas
2011 Christian Lucca
1983 Joseph Lucca
2014 Zachary Lucca
1981 Anna Lucci
1997 Diana Lucci
2021 Gianna Lucci
1989 Joseph Lucci
1990 Michael Lucci
2020 Michael Lucci
1985 Rosanna Lucci
John Lucey
1989 John Luciano
1987 Robert Luciano
1995 Sabrina Luciano
1993 Steven Luciano
1959 Edward Lucibello
1980 Frank Lucibello
1982 John Lucibello
1978 Lou Lucibello
1976 Nadine Lucibello
2009 Matthew Luczyk
1965 Darlene Ludwig
1966 Ellen Ludwig
1966 Jay Ludwig
2005 Sara Ludwig
1992 Esther Luehn
1977 Gretchen Luft
2022 Jillian Luftman
1959 David Luitjens
1965 Gregory Lukas
1970 Valerie Lukas
1970 William Lukas
2010 Magdalena Lukaszek
2017 Jonathan Lulkin
1991 Eric Lundquist
1967 Stephen Lundvall
1960 Susan Lundvall
1999 Erin Lunney
1976 Anna Luo
2023 Jamie Luo
1977 Kim Luong
2004 Christopher Lupano
2006 Samantha Lupano
2002 Stefanie Lupo
2000 Vanessa Lupo
1973 John Luppino
1977 Leslie Luppino
1968 Betty Luth
1965 Marianne Luth
1970 Robert Luth
1977 Sidney Luth
1986 Christopher Lutz
1968 James Lutz
1981 Jay Lutz
1974 Nancy (Lutz) Turner
1974 Steven Lutz
1972 William Lutz
1964 Philip Lutz III
1967 Janice Lux
1969 Susan Lux
1966 Rosemary Lykins
1967 Sanford Lykins III
2003 Brian Lynch
2010 Christine Lynch
2009 Elizabeth Lynch
1974 Harold Lynch
1975 Heidi Lynch
2000 Joseph Lynch Jr
2007 Katherine Lynch
1979 Kevin Lynch
2005 Lauren Lynch
Megan Lynch
2006 Michael Lynch
2015 Sean Lynch
1966 Charles Lyngaas
1971 Richard Lynn
2021 Jack Lyon
2018 Madalyn Lyon
1995 Elizabeth Lyons
1968 Thomas Mac Allen
1996 Brian Macauley
1991 Michael Macauley
1968 John MacDonald
1996 Kenneth MacDonald
1963 Linda MacDonald
2023 Lindsay MacDonald
1977 Theresa MacDonald
2000 Timothy MacDonald
2020 Ryan MacDougall
1980 Felippe MacGuffie
1979 Genevieve (MacGuffie) Salone
2011 Erica Machi
2011 Julia Machi
2008 Laura Machi
1967 David Macintosh
1970 Christopher Mack
Marcella Mack
1964 Paula Mack
1967 Warren Mack
Carol MacKenzie
1980 Maura Mackessy
1973 Patricia (Mackessy) Good
1979 Robert Mackessy
2015 Kate Mackie
2008 Timothy Mackie
1964 Carolyn Madden
1962 Henry Madoshi
1965 Henry Madoshi
1992 Akiko Maeyama
1996 Nozomi Maeyama
Ilana Magchilov
Colin J Magner
1978 Ida Magnifico
1977 John Magnifico
1982 Petrina Magnifico
2021 Caroline Maguire
1971 Paul Mahady
1999 Daniel Maher
1987 Kris Maher
1973 Wendy Mahler
1963 Charles Mahone, Jr.
1974 Arthur Mahoney
1985 Keri Mahoney
1982 Mitchell Mahoney
1974 Susan Mahoney
1979 Thomas Mahoney
1977 Mark Mahony
Stefanie Maier
Eugene Makeyev
2023 Sean
1976 Judith Maikish
1983 Linda Mainardi
1981 Lisa Mainardi
1964 Paul Mainardi
1976 Anne Mainberger
1968 Marie Mainberger
1967 Robert Mainberger
1964 Walter Mainberger
1968 Ellen Mainella
1964 John Mainella
1965 John Mainella
Rosemary Mainella
1990 Theodore Maire
2015 Alyssa "Lee" Maitner
2011 Jessica Maitner
2007 Marissa Maitner
2016 Christopher Major
2016 Darby Major
2008 Melissa Major
2011 Shannon Major
Evelyn Majorek
1984 Richard Makadok
2018 Elvira Makk Frid
1974 Donna (Malach) Dionot
2003 Samantha Malen
2021 Edward Males
2018 Emily Males
2002 Matthew Malillo
2007 Meghan Malillo
2004 Ryan Malillo
2014 Sophie Maliniak
1972 Peter Mallahan
2015 Alexandra Mallinas
2011 Stephanie Mallinas
2002 Kyle Mallory
2020 Jessica Malo
1977 Christopher Malone
1978 Claier Malone
1986 Eugene Malone
1988 Matthew Malone
1982 Mollie Malone
1975 Pat Malone
1980 Peter Malone
1984 Kathleen Maloney
1982 Sean Maloney
1960 Kathleen Maltese
1976 Denise Mammolito
1972 Jerome Mammolito
1979 Louis Mammolito
1991 Raymond Manapat
2023 Blake Mancuso
2015 Caroline Mancuso
2012 Matthew Mancuso
2004 Alyssa Mandelbaum
1960 Donald Mandetta
1966 Robert Mandetta
1990 Dina Mandour
1973 Kent Manfred
2017 Sydney Mangaroo
2007 Katie Manges
1982 Kathleen Mangini
1987 Kevin Mangini
2019 Emma Mangino
2015 Kai Mangino
Madeline M Mangione
2019 Gabriella Mangome
1969 Barbara Manheim
1973 Morton Manheim
Angelo Mania
2005 Elizabeth Mania
1964 John Mania
Roseanne (Mania) Early
1966 Jeffrey Mann
1964 Stephen Mann
2004 Deron Manndel
2011 Kelsey Manndel
1998 Gail Manners
2002 Ilene Manners
1959 John Mannette
2023 Liam Manning
Paige M Manning
1988 Cassandre Manson
1998 Ratri Mansyur
1987 Patricia Manuel
1992 Sharon Manuel
1986 Suzanne Manuel
1971 Paul Manuele
1962 Robert Manuele
1965 Robert Manuele
1990 Michael Manzi III
1990 Patrick Manzi
2017 Kenneth Mao
2014 Kevin Mao
1998 Andrew Mapes
1973 Diane Mapes
1994 Jennifer Mapes
1979 Mary (Mapes) Lange
1971 Nancy Mapes
2001 Stephen Mapes
1969 Susan Mapes
1968 Harold Mapes, Jr.
2019 Michael Maratea
2010 Julia Marcello
1980 Allison March
1979 David March
2003 John March
1980 Kenneth March
1984 Nancy March
1984 Robert March
1986 Steven March
2007 Thomas March
Casey Marchfeld
2011 Jordan Marchfeld
2023 Christopher Marchica
2022 Samantha Marchica
1988 Donna Marchisin
2009 Erin Marciniak
1999 Joella Marciniak
2001 Lauren Marciniak
1978 Charles Marcus
1988 Dawn Marcus
1990 Denise Marcus
1974 Susan Marcus
1997 Tammy Marcus
1980 Diane Maresca
1979 George Maresca
1976 Alan Margolis
1966 Annette Mariano
1965 Susan Mariano
1977 James Marill
1979 Steven Marill
2008 Alyssa Marino
1986 James Marino
2010 Jamie Marino
1989 Michael Marino
1988 Stephanie Marino
1983 Teresa Marino
1982 Vincent Marino
2002 Anne Marinos
2005 John Marinos
2009 Jesse Mark
1970 Christine Markel
1975 Wendy (Markel) Lavosky
Daniel Markov
James Markovic
1964 John Markovic
2001 Biana Markovsky
2003 Sara Markowitz
1965 Preston Marks
1971 Jean Marmarellis
1969 Julie Marmarellis
1971 Mark Marosits
1976 Bernadette Marotta
1975 Bob Marotta
1971 Emily Marotta
1968 Gloria Marotta
2003 Alexander Marquard
1995 Ashley Marquard
1992 Gretchen Marquard
2004 Gregory Marr
2008 Lindsey Marr
2014 Carmine Marra
1985 Carol Marra
1980 Matthew Marra
1991 Gregg Marri
1996 Joseph Marri
1987 Natalie Marri
1975 Doug Marsac
2016 Dylan Marsella
2011 Jesse Marsella
1963 Christie Marshall
1965 Donald Marshall
1968 Douglas Marshall
1977 Robert Marshall
1982 Sally Marshall
2021 Andrew Martin
1982 Annette Martin
1990 Blaire Martin
1971 Bruce Martin
2017 Christina Martin
1971 Christine Martin
1970 Diana Martin
1976 Janice Martin
Jasper B Martin
2019 John Martin
2014 Laura Martin-Zaurin
Loretta Martin
1972 Meredith Martin
1989 Russell Martin
Sara Martin
1978 Valerie Martin
1979 Kathy (Martin) Vanoven
1969 James Martinelli
Martin Martinelli
Angela Martinez
2017 David Martinez-Silver
Daniel Martino
2006 Jill
1979 Richard Martino
2001 Joanna Martino
1969 Robert Martino
1971 Ronald Martino
2000 Diana Martyn
2005 Emily Martyn
2022 Faith Mascari
2017 Vincent Mascari
2010 Christina Maselli
2015 Jacqueline Maselli
2018 Matthew Maselli
2012 Miren Masides
1959 Jane Mason
1971 Juliana Mason
Madeline Mason
2017 Marina Mason
1972 Mindy Mason
1969 Sandra Mason
2019 Lauren Massaro
1995 Andrew Massey
1987 Paul Massey
2006 Jessica Massler
1984 Catherine Massop
2018 Connor Massaro
1989 Karena Massop
1990 Kimberley Massop
1972 John Mastick
2019 Jack Mastrocola
2011 Matthew Mastrocola
Sarah Mastrocola
1994 Danielle Mastrogiovanni
1999 Marco Mastrogiovanni
2006 Michael Mastrogiovanni
2023 Ana Mastrovitch
1999 Elizabeth Matanle
2012 James Matanle
2006 Lynn Matanle
2002 Molly Matanle
2016 Jeffrey Mate
2019 Kimiko Mate
2011 Connor Matheson
2007 Kylie Matheson
1986 Christine Mathews
1982 Deborah Mathews
1975 Jeffrey Mathews
1995 Justin Mathews
1979 Pat (Mathews) Short
1977 Denise (Mathews) Bell
1980 Stephanie Matilla
1977 Suzanne Matilla
1972 Cynthia Matossian
1975 Harry Matossian
1974 Michael Matossian
2019 Erica Matsui
1978 Alice Matthews
1975 Nancy Matthews
1983 Sonya Mattila
2011 Erik Mattson
2015 Jack Mattson
1967 Gabriela Maturana
1966 Vincent Matus
2018 Alexa Maurice
2020 Michael Maurice
1981 Anthony Maurillo
1983 Cheryl Maurillo
1979 Laura Maurillo
2004 Andrew Mauro
2007 Gregory Mauro
2004 Jeffrey Mauro
2011 Kevin Mauro
2016 Stephen Mawker
1975 Barbara (Maxfield) Fitzsimmons
1967 Frederick Maxfield
1970 Roger Maxfield
1965 Anthony Mayer
1974 Doug Mayer
1979 Glenn Mayer
2017 Hannah Mayer
2012 Maggie Mayer
2009 Patrick Mayer
1969 Robert Mayer
1971 Steven Mayer
1986 Efrim Mayer-Aschhoff
2014 Nicholas Mayer-Aschhoff
1972 Ronald Mayer-Aschhoff
1976 Monica (Mayer-Aschoff) Tanis
1996 Scott Mayerowitz
1995 Marc Mayerson
1959 Andrea Maynard
1987 Jessica Maynard
1994 Rebecca Maynard
1997 Robert Maynard
1988 Shawn Mayo
1996 Lee Mays
1998 Marissa Mays
2002 George Mazpule
2006 Jeffrey Mazpule
2008 Rebecca Mazpule
1977 Andrew Mazur
1974 George Mazur
2005 Alyson Mazzarella
2009 Conor McAdam
2006 Elizabeth McAdam
1981 Stephen McAloon
1978 Walter McAloon
1975 Erin McAndrew
1969 James McAndrew
1971 Janice McAndrew
1968 Sharon McAndrew
1981 Patricia (McAndrews) Meaney
Anna McAuley
2016 Daniel McAuley
2018 Ryan McAuley
1990 Steven McAveney
2022 Andrew McBride
1984 Blaise McBride
1981 James McBride
2020 Killian McBride
1988 Terrence McBride
1980 Timothy McBride
1999 Erica McCabe
2005 James McCabe
2018 Joseph McCabe
2007 Mary McCabe
1971 Stephen McCabe
1971 Theresa McCabe
1973 Carolyn McCann
2000 Colin McCann
1971 Edward McCann
1972 Patricia McCann
1976 Robert McCann
2004 Ryan McCann
1998 Scott McCann
1975 Nancy (McCann) Russek
Abigail D McCarthy
2017 Desha McCarthy
2020 Elizabeth McCarthy
2006 Kathryn McCarthy
1987 Maureen McCarthy
2011 Michael McCarthy
Michael P McCarthy
1985 Patrick McCarthy
1985 Rosemary McCarthy
2005 Ryan McCarthy
2020 Ryan McCarthy
2015 Scott McCarthy
2011 Catherine McClellan
2007 Michael McClellan
2016 Justin McCollum
1965 Roy McCollum
2016 Zachary McCollum
2022 George McComas
2023 Meghan McCormack
1975 Bo McCormick
1966 Bruce McCormick
1969 Celeste McCormick
1965 Joel McCormick III
1972 John McCormick
1967 Lauretta McCormick
1971 Randy McCormick
1975 Sheila (McCormick) Culligan
1968 William McCormick, Jr.
1999 Colleen McCorry
1994 Elizabeth McCorry
2003 Ellen McCorry
2023 Liv McCorry
1993 Robert McCorry
2003 Amy McCown
2006 Kathryn McCown
1964 James McCrea
2001 Justin McCrickard
2003 Michael McCrickard
1968 Catherine McCrohan
1974 John McCrohan
1986 Michele McCrohan
1970 Patricia McCrohan
1971 Susan McCrohan
1979 David McCue
1976 Mark McCue
2019 Jacob McCulloch
2014 Benjamin McCullouch
2004 Brianna McCullough
1979 Christopher McCullough
1980 Daniel McCullough
1968 Diane McCullough
1973 Gregory McCullough
1971 James McCullough
1977 Jane McCullough
1972 Mark McCullough
1970 Michael McCullough
1978 Michael McCullough
1974 Paul McCullough
2012 Roxanne McCullough
1975 Steve McCullough
1982 Thomas McCullough
1980 Timothy McCullough
1971 Hilary McCutcheon
1991 Brian McDermott
1994 Brian McDermott
1986 Eileen McDermott
1988 Heather McDermott
1988 Justine McDermott
1987 Keith McDermott
1991 Lawrence McDermott IV
1999 Michael McDermott
1989 Scott McDermott
1985 Stacey McDermott
1984 William McDermott
2019 Colin McDevitt
1963 Barbara McDonald
2014 Fiona McDonald
1965 Ira McDonald
1992 Julie McDonald
2016 Killeen McDonald
1993 Rosemarie McDonald
1969 Ross McDonald
1993 Vhristine McDonald
1966 Virginia McDonald
2010 Andrew McDonough
1993 Brian McDonough
2015 Dana McDonough
2012 Ellen McDonough
1990 Joseph McDonough
1986 Kerri McDonough
2008 Kurt McDonough
2006 Kyle McDonough
2014 Mary McDonough
1993 Thomas McDonough
1976 Vanessa McDowell
1982 Jennifer McElrath
1976 Leslie McElrath
1991 Rebekah McElrath
1999 Brian McElroy
1960 Elizabeth McElroy
1997 Kevin McElroy
1967 Richard McElroy
1974 Keith McElwee
1969 Frances McEntee
1971 John McEntee
1969 Kathryn McEntee
1968 Margaret McEntee
1983 Kevin McEvilly
1985 Donald McEwan
1994 Anne McFadden
1999 John McFadden
1988 Kathleen McFall
1985 Veronica McFall
1987 George McFall, Jr.
1968 Brian McGarity
2005 Elyse McGarity
2007 Joshua McGarity
1969 Jennie McGill
1994 Brendan McGillen
1995 Christa McGillen
1990 Richard McGillen
Robert McGillick
2010 Daniel
2007 David
1975 Jim McGovern
1972 John McGovern
1969 Kevin McGovern
2011 Dylan McGowan
2008 Mia McGowan
1967 Christopher McGrayne
2012 Daniel McGrotty
2007 William McGrotty
1963 Jack McGuill
Jean McGuill
1967 Frank McGuinness
1962 Jean McGuinness
1964 Maureen McGuinness
1975 Mike McGuinness
1973 Richard McGuinness
2014 Brendan McGuire
2011 Connor McGuire
1970 Frances McGurty
1995 Alison McHale
1997 Daniel McHale
1994 James McHale
2011 Colin McHugh
2015 Quinn McHugh
1969 Susan McIlvain
2015 Sean McInerney
1965 James McIntosh
1970 Millicent McIntosh
1960 Tony McIntosh
2008 Alison McIntyre
2005 Caitlin McIntyre
2000 Laura McKay
2020 Tara McKearnin
2023 Kevin McKegney
2004 Denitria McKenith
2000 Christopher McKenna
2021 Brooke McKeon
1991 Kimberly McKenzie
1993 Rahsaan McKinney
1971 Lynn McLaughlin
1972 Michael McLaughlin
1978 Ross McLaughlin
2018 Catherine McLoughlin
2021 William McLoughlin
1960 Sharon McMahan
2008 Catherine McMahon
1980 Erin McMahon
2014 Jake McMahon
1983 James McMahon
1975 Jay McMahon
1987 Jennifer McMahon
2014 Jennifer McMahon
2016 Jordan McMahon
1967 Mary McMahon
1979 Peter McMahon
2018 Rachel McMahon
1976 Robert McMahon
2012 Sean McMahon
1973 Patricia McManey
1994 Brian McNabola
1989 Paul McNabola
1974 Warren McNair
1972 William McNair
2019 Ethan McNamara
1994 Elizabeth McNamara
1966 John McNamara
2021 Samuel McNamara
1969 Michael McNaney
1970 Thomas McNaney
2006 Jade McNary
1998 Sean McNeil
1971 Guy McNinch
1974 Virginia McNinch
1975 Jim McPoland
1978 Mary McPoland
2014 Christina McRae
2018 Nicholas McRae
2018 Stephen McRae
1963 Donna McSweeney
2017 Deidre Meaney
2012 Patrick Meaney
1989 Allison Meany
1980 Catherine Meara
1977 Mary Meara
1986 Andrew Meara, Jr.
1959 Barbara Mechan
1973 Deborah Mechan
Janice Mechan
1973 Cindy Meder
1975 Jim Meder
2019 Giovanna Mee
1970 Constance Meeker
1960 Jeffrey Meeker
1963 Susan Meeker
1970 John Megaree IV
1974 Lynda Megargee
1971 Jeffrey Megargee
Philip Megnin
2013 Simon Megnin
2009 Matthew Mehallow
2009 Michael Mehallow
Michelle Mehallow
1989 Alison (Meier) Lohr
1987 Cynthia (Meier) Lota
Barbara (Meirose) Cole
1959 Gwenyth Meirose
1995 Jay Meisel
2010 Samuel Meisel
2008 John Melicharek
2009 Paul Melicharek
1987 Christina Melikyan
1963 Richard Mellin
1959 Stephen Mellin
2007 Andrew Mellis
2006 Abby Meltzer
1980 Annette Meltzer
Jerry Meltzer
2003 Matthew Meltzer
2014 Erica Melz
2012 Katherine Melz
2009 Brian Mende
2011 Morgan Mende
2018 Daniel Mendelsohn
2015 David Mendelsohn
1977 Linda Mendelsohn
1976 Steven Mendelsohn
1981 Wendy Mendelsohn
1977 Susan Mendelson
2016 Ricardo Mendoca Pereira
2008 Carolyn Meneghin
2011 Jessamyn Meneghin
1998 Brooke Menschel
2000 Tracy Menschel
1970 Kurt Menzel
2004 Christopher Meola
1999 Jeffrey Meola
1992 Mary Mercado
1975 Diane Mercereau
1965 Donald Mercereau
1970 Susan Mercereau
1965 Joan Merck
1969 Kathleen Merck
1964 Paul Merck
1994 Alison Merena
1989 Stephen Merena
1976 Alison Merker
2019 Catherine Merkle
2015 David Merke
1987 Loretta Merriam
1978 Edward Merrill
1979 David Merrill
1973 Ruth Merrill
1971 Jon Mersereau
1966 Warren Mersereau
1984 Ara Mesrobian
2001 Kevork Mesrobian
2005 Knar Mesrobian
1987 Viken Mesrobian
1978 Mark Messenbrink
2021 Alyssa Messikian
2016 Victoria Messikian
1985 Anastasia Metke
Shai Metzger-Ramseur
1989 Kimberley Metzler
1988 Scott Metzler
2001 Ashley Meyer
1963 Charles Meyer
1960 Elizabeth Meyer
1994 Heidi Meyer
1978 Holly Meyer
1972 Jenny Meyer
1999 Jessica Meyer
1965 Lynn Meyer
1968 Melissa Meyer
1960 Ralph Meyer
1975 Rob Meyer
1987 Scott Meyer
2015 Griffin Meyers
1974 Ruth Meyers
1978 Stephen Meyers
1964 Susan Meyers
1974 Thomas Meyers
1968 Gail Meyerson
1963 Robert Meyerson
2020 Alexa Miceli
2003 Alyssa Miceli
2015 Amanda Micelli
2017 Ashley Miceli
1980 William Michaels
2009 Shir Grace Michael
1985 Lisa Michels
1979 Andrea (Michels) Jacobson
Anita Michelson
1961 Karen
(Michelson) Vitale
1960 Larry Michelson
2010 Catherine Mickens
2008 Megan Mickens
2004 James Mickolajczyk
2007 Keith Mickolajczyk
2009 Lisa Mickolajczyk
1959 Mary Midlam
1988 Kenneth Midlaw
2004 Lucas Miehe
2007 Meghan Miehe
2000 Owen Miehe
1990 Candace Miele
1991 Joseph Miele III
1992 Kelly Miele
2020 Liam Miele
1977 Patrick Miele
1988 Therese Miele
2016 Mark Mifsud
2012 Rachel Mifsud
1976 Michael Migdal
1978 Rachelle Migdal
1974 Rosemarie Miglietta
2022 Gianna Mignano
1959 Edward Mignot
1973 Ferenc Mike-Mayer
1996 Gerarde Mike-Mayer
1977 Henrick Mike-Mayer
2001 Jenna Mike-Mayer
2012 Julianna Mike-Mayer
1980 Laszlo Mike-Mayer
2001 Melanie Mike-Mayer
2007 Peter Mike-Mayer
1984 Robert Mike-Mayer
1986 Mary Ann (Mikos) McBride
1986 Mary Ann Mikos
1983 Susan Mikos
1966 Laurel Mikus
1963 Marcy Mikus
2000 Kane Milbauer
2005 Liane Milbauer
2016 Benjamin Milbrodt
2019 Wyatt Milbrodt
2014 Lila Milgrom
2012 Serafina Milgrom
1966 Louis Milkowski
1999 Alex Miller
1968 Alvin Miller
1977 April Miller
1972 Barbara Miller
2002 Brad Miller
2015 Brady Miller
2010 Brendan Miller
1969 Bruce Miller
1970 Bruce Miller
1968 Burton Miller
1971 Carol Miller
1979 Christopher Miller
1974 Claire Miller
1969 Corrine Miller
1999 Daniel Miller
1979 David Miller
1987 Edward Miller, Jr.
1973 Frederick Miller
2010 Hannah Miller
1997 Heather Miller
1996 Janelle Miller
2016 Jennifer Miller
John Miller
1979 Jonathan Miller
2010 Jonathan Miller
1973 Judith Miller
1976 Juliann Miller
2002 Kate Miller
Katherine Miller
2002 Katherine Miller
1980 Keith Miller
1978 Kiowa Miller
1994 Lauren Miller
2014 Lauren Miller
1991 Leigh Miller
1999 Lindsay Miller
2014 Lindsay Miller
1974 Margaret Miller
1968 Matthew Miller
2005 Matthew Miller
2005 Michael Miller
1966 Randolph Miller
2000 Sara Miller
1980 Scott Miller
2010 Sean Miller
1998 Stephanie Miller
1975 Susan Miller
2012 Timothy Miller
1964 V James Miller
2020 Dylan Miller-Jones
2021 Maddox Miller-Jones
2017 Jaclyn Mills
1976 Orlando Mills
1972 Penelope Mills
1974 Sander Mills
1960 Leslie Milne
1980 Darryl Mims
1964 Paula Mims
1983 Preston Mims
1967 Sandra Mims
1969 Sharyn Mims
1992 Marie Mincieli
1995 Samantha Mincieli
1999 Christopher Mineo
2003 Kimberly Mineo
1994 Douglas Minetti
1989 Glenn Minetti
1989 Lori Minichini
1994 Danielle Minichino
1988 Mary Minichino
1972 Andrea Minoff
1966 Harvey Minot
1961 Susan Minot
1966 James Miranda
2015 Alexandra Mircea
2021 Andrel Mircea
1960 Rose Miritello
2011 Brooke Mirrer
Claire Mirrer
1979 David Mirrer
1966 Donald Mirrer
1964 Joan Mirrer
1972 Laurie Mirrer
2010 Lindsey Mirrer
Megan Mirrer
2005 Sean Mirrer
2001 William Mirrer III
1975 Bill Mirrer, Jr.
1974 Lauren Misa
1978 Steven Misa
Heather Misrok
2010 Ross Misrok
1964 Carole Mitchell
1994 James Mitchell
2000 Jeffrey Mitchell
1997 Jonathan Mitchell
1999 Kate Mitchell
1995 Keri Mitchell
1963 Mary Mitchell
1974 Robert Mitchell
1968 William Mitchell
1992 Asako Mitsui
2023 Emma Mittelman
2021 Isabella Mittelman
2001 Sara Mitzner
1971 Michael Miyahara
1975 Ty Miyahara
2010 Hiro Miyatake
1959 Frances Mobius
2003 Aryam Modesto
Sarah (Moffat) Sager-Bach
2010 Lisa Mogami
2008 Saya Mogami
1980 James Mohan
1977 Patricia Mohan
1973 Peter Mohan
Marilyn Mokos
2019 Sophia Molloy
2014 Danielle
2011 Matthew
1965 William Molt
1970 Paul Monachese
1961 Peter Monachese
1967 Kathleen Monahan
2014 Kathryn Monahan
1978 Nancy Monahan
1969 Robert Monahan
1970 Robert Monahan
1970 Thomas Monarque
Adam Moncayo
2009 Rebecca Moncayo
2012 Robert Moncayo
1978 Marlene Moni
1979 Marlene Moni
1971 Susan Monk
1963 Wayne Monken
1967 Edward Monoski
1966 Linda Monoski
Lyn Monsey
1962 Leonora Montagno
1965 Philip Montagno
1960 Robert Montagno
2010 Alex Montgomery
1979 Christopher Montgomery
1969 Janet Montgomery
1964 Marilyn Montgomery
1982 Peter Montgomery
1972 Stephen Montgomery
1960 Thomas Montgomery
1978 Andrew Monti
2020 Angelina Monti
1965 Shirley Montick
1964 William Montick
2007 Jackie Montone
2007 Joey Montone
2003 Michael Montone
1975 Michael Moodie
2010 John Moon
1970 Ann Mooney
1968 John Mooney
1965 Marilyn Mooney
1976 Ann Moore
1967 Arthur Moore
1999 Christine Moore
1968 Christopher Moore
1974 Christopher Moore
2004 Daniel Moore
2016 Elizabeth Moore
1968 George Moore
2017 James Moore
1961 Jane (Moore) Demas
1970 Jonathan Moore
Kayla Moore
2004 Mary Moore
1968 Mattie Moore
2023 Max Moore
1960 Michele Moore
2007 Nancy Sue Moore
1974 Quentin Moore
Ronald Moore
2014 Samantha Moore
2020 Sophia Moore
1966 Stephanie Moore
2001 Stephen Moore
1964 Terrence Moore
2012 Thomas Moore
Thomas J Moore
1986 Harper Mooy
Michael Morahan
2007 Caroline
2002 Jeanne Moran
1969 Jeffrey Moran
Kathy Moran
1961 Linda Moran
1962 Mary Moran
1965 Mary Moran
1980 Patrick Moran
1975 Tracey Moran
1963 Molly Morck
1959 Rolaine Morck
1971 Thomas Morck
1967 Timothy Morck
2009 Chip Morel
2007 Corey Morel
1981 Lisa Moren
2016 Emily Moretti
1969 Claudia Morf
1964 Laraine Morf
1983 Catherine Morgan
1987 Colleen Morgan
1981 Glenn Morgan
2003 Michelle Morgan
Wallace Morgan
2007 Keisuke
2010 Maya Morimoto
Erik Morita
2016 Eamon Morley
2018 Ryan Morley
1962 Arthur Morris
1975 C. Morris
1961 Charles Morris
1982 Charles Morris III
1976 Doreen Morris
2000 Eric Morris
1968 Evelyn Morris
1976 George Morris
1972 James Morris
1996 Justin Morris
1969 Margaret Morris
1984 William Morris
1980 Cynthia Morrison
1971 Elizabeth Morrison
1972 John Morrison III
1967 Laurie Morrison
1975 Rob Morrison
1975 Sandy (Morrison) Szydlowski
1970 Geraldine Morrissey
1987 Jennifer Morrissey
1978 Stephen Morrissey
2001 Adam Morrone
2004 Alexander Morrone
1964 Barry Morrow
2017 Colin Morrow
2015 Noelle Morrow
1959 Norman Morrow
1972 Andrew Morse
1975 Leslie Morse
1973 Wendy Morse
1975 Rich Mortell
1961 Alexander Morton
1968 Christopher Morton
1964 Janice Morton
2016 George Moryl
1975 Arlene Mosberg
1981 Stephen Mosberg
2009 Anne Marie Moscarello
2019 Daniel Moscarello
Erica Moscarello
2007 Jaimie Moscarello
2017 Thomas Moscarello
2015 Caroline Moscatello
2012 Patrick Moscatello
1971 Catherine Mosch
1977 Judith Mosch
1969 Walter Mosch
1976 Germaine (Mosch) Williamson
1985 Margaret Moschella
1974 Debra Moser
1973 Douglas Moser
1979 Janice (Moser) Judge
1966 John Mosley
1974 Jyl Mosley
1965 Linda Mosley
1969 Andrew Mosney
1980 Brian Moss
1978 Marla Moss
2000 Christina Mott
2002 Dante Mott
2006 Jessica Mott
2008 Marguerite Mott
1994 Jacqueline Motyka
1986 Ronald Motyka
1968 Lois Motzer
1973 Robert Motzer
1965 William Motzer
1959 Linda Mouilleseaux
1993 Garo Moumdjian
1992 Harout Moumdjian
1972 Alexander Mount
1977 Christopher Mount
2008 Kristen Mount
1964 Marjory Mount
1974 Melinda Mount
1974 Melissa Mount
2012 Michael Mount
2020 Aidan Mountain
1985 Francis Mountain
2015 Francis "Timmy" Mountain
2021 Maeve Mountain
1983 Melissa Mountain
2016 Michela Mountain
2017 Joseph Mouridy
1991 David Mowad
1993 David Muellers
1992 Michelle Muellers
2017 Aaron Mueninghoff
2019 Alexander Mueninghoff
1963 Donald Muenstermann
1983 Andrew Muenz
1985 Robert Muenz
1967 Candice Muiselaar
1964 Deborah Muiselaar
2014 Matthew Mulcahy
2016 Zachary Mulcahy
Donald Mulcock
2015 Ian Mulholland
2006 John
1999 Kevin Mulholland
2020 Megan Mulholland
2002 Ryan Mulholland
2017 Shane Mulholland
2005 Braden Mulkeen
2000 Colby Mulkeen
2003 Curren Mulkeen
1998 Ryan Mulkeen
1997 Tyler Mulkeen
1984 Darby Mullaney
1980 Peter Mullany
2009 Alyssa Muller
2006 Anthony Muller
2004 Douglas Muller
1983 Musa Muller
1971 Patrice Muller
1981 Thabani Muller
1969 William Muller
1975 Janice (Muller) Doyle
2022 Patrick Mulligan
1986 Kimberly Mullin
1989 Paul Mullin
1975 David Mullis
1973 Jane Mullis
1970 Susan Mullis
1973 Edward Mulvey
1988 Peter Mulvihill
1994 Suzanne Mulvihill
1975 Debbie Munz
1976 Karen Munz
1983 Brian Murphy
1999 Cathleen Murphy
1980 Diane Murphy
1963 Gail Murphy
2018 Grace Murphy
1967 Tom Murphy
1972 Kathleen Murphy
2021 Lark Murphy
1989 Mark Murphy
1977 Melissa-Suzanne Murphy
1972 Michael Murphy
1977 Michael Murphy
2021 Michael Murphy
1960 Myatt Murphy
1970 Nancy Murphy
1968 Susan Murphy
1975 Susan Murphy
2004 Timothy Murphy
2017 Brendan Murray
2004 Gregory Murray
2018 Joshua Murray
1980 Harlequin (Murray) Gilchrist
2002 Laura Murray
2015 Meaghan Murray
2020 Morgan Murray
2008 Jack Murtagh
2005 Lily Murtagh
1975 Bill Muse
1973 Harry Muse
1970 Eric Musgrave
1967 Barbara Music
1966 Steven Music
1969 Carolyn Musser
1965 Joanne Musser
1979 John Musser
1963 Judith Musser
1972 Sally Musser
1960 Elizabeth Mutch
Margaret (Mutch) Williams
1995 Janette Mutilva
1993 Marisa Mutilva
2021 Marteen Mwangi
Sammy M Mwangi
1961 Carolyn Myers
1969 Elizabeth Myers
1959 Melinda Myers
2015 Libby Myones
2011 Sydney Myones
2012 Brian Myung
2011 Soo-Hyun (Brianna) Myung
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