The "Career" page of this web site contains a wealth of
useful information. Please help support fellow Glen Rockers listed
here by utilizing their talents and services. Feel free to contact
them for valuable advice they can provide you. Click on the
green to e-mail them, and click on the
red to see their corporate web site.
The "College" page of this web site lists the Colleges alphabetically
that Glen Rock High School Alumni have attended along with the students'
e-mail links. Feel free to ask them
how they enjoyed their college experience.
The "Reunion" page of this web site should be an enormous help in organizing
our reunions. Please e-mail us to post information here at
On the individual year pages, you will find an alphabetical listing of
classmates along with their e-mail addresses. If their name is
highlighted in green, then you can click
to e-mail them. If it is highlighted in blue,
that means we have been unable to locate them. Please let us know if
you can help us locate them, or have them contact us at
There is a wonderful group of people that compose each class, and as the
years pass it becomes increasingly difficult for people to stay in touch
with each other.
NOTE: Each class is not limited to those who happened to graduate with us.
It includes all those who would have been in our graduating year.
Please let us know your e-mail address(es)
and web site(s) at
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~ ~ ~ ~
Blue=Please help us find them.
Green=e-mail address
(Click on
these names to e-mail them.)
Italic=In memory of classmates reported as deceased.
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Judy Abbott
James Ackert
Carolyn Adams
Buba Adschiew
Marilyn (Amesbury) Dannehower
(career link)
Allan Andreycak
Gregory Andriate
(career link)
Gregory Andriate
Sharri Atlas
Robert Ax
Bruce Babbitt
Linda Baldridge
Joanne Ballantine
Diane Bandazian
Mark Bannon
David Barillo
in memory of
Deborah Barnes
Douglas Barnet
Barbara Barry
in memory of John Barton
Cheryl Berger
Burton Berkovitz
Michael Berlin
Laura Bernstein
in memory of
Jenell Best
Joan (Bisesi) McKenna
(career link)
Stephen Blair
Joseph Blauvelt
Richard Blauvelt
(career link)
Sherrie Bluestein
Susan Blumenthal
Kathleen Boland
Robert Boreck
Moha Bouacha
(career link)
Cathleen Boyer
Robert Bradshaw, Jr.
Victoria Brand
Jill (Braverman) Panza
(career link)
Benjamin Brown
Linda Burdett
Patricia Caffrey
Debra Calman
Dale (Cameron) Barnes
Henry Camisasca
(career link)
Steven Cappiello
Kim (Carpenter) Berman
in memory of
Nancy Cascarelli
Ronnie Cashman
Janet Cavanagh
Denise Cessario
Susan (Chase) Ivey
(career link)
Carol Christie
Nancy (Church) Kidd
Gloria Ciaccio
Cheryl Cizewski
Garry Clark
Kathryn (Clement) Walker
Howard Cohen
(career link)
Jonathan Cole
in memory of
Kathy Colligan
Gary Collins
in memory of Robert Corbishley
Susan (Cori) Colanero
(career link)
(career link 2)
Madonna (Cronin) Clark
in memory of
Janet Curry
Karen Daley
Jeannette Daly
Joan Darakjy
John Davis
Barbara Dawson
Joann DeGise
Joan (DeLacy) Kearon
(career link)
Joan (DeLacy) Kearon (business)
in memory of
Daniel DeLeon
Robert Demarest
(career link)
Diane Deneke
in memory of
Albert DePalma
Lorraine DePalma
Judith DeProspo
Daniel Dethmers
in memory of Donnie DeVinney
Patricia DiDomenico
Alfred DiTolla
Frank Docherty
Lloyd Dodwell
(career link)
Donald Drelich
Edgar Dreyman
Susanne Duffecy
John Duxbury
Robert Dyker
Daniel Eckert
(career link)
Donald Eidschun
David Ermey
Hilbert Eshaghpour
Frances Esser
in memory of
Scott Euart
Beverly Evans
Cindy Lu (Everett) Kuipers
in memory of Geoffrey Fairfax
Theodore Fajardo
Douglas Falk
(career link)
(career link)
Kathleen Farrell
Michael Feeney
in memory of Richard Fieldman
Gail Finn
in memory of
Lidell (Flanigan) Jacobson
Rudy Flinker
Linda Frazer
Barbara Freeman
in memory of
Robert Fry
in memory of
Laurie Geisler
Eileen Gernhardt
Gary Gibson
in memory of
Keith Glodava
Robin Goldstein
in memory of Lori Green
Jean Greenbaum
Stephanie Grimaldi
Mary Grimm
Mary (Grosser) Kazanchy
Leslie (Grossman) Ulak
(career link)
Miriam Grundy
Nancy Haag
in memory of
Skip Hadley
in memory of
Paul Hakkenberg
Gordon Hall
Lisa (Hamm) Humbert
Karen Hammond
Russ Hangfield
in memory of William D Harris
William C Harris
James Hayford
James Hayford (business)
Wendy Hemkes
Clayton Hemmert
in memory of Steven Hemminger
in memory of
Joyce Hendrickson
Robert Hergenhan
in memory of
Richard Hildebrand
Heather (Hintz) Shortway
(career link)
Peter Hirschfeld
in memory of Jeffrey Hodes
Philip Holmes
Janice Huber
Barbara Hurbanis
Barry Hynds
Malcolm Hynds
Rosemarie (Iacono) McKee
Jacqueline Iozia
Mark Jackson
Warren Jacobs
Christine Jenks
Irma (Jennings) Pisacane
(career link)
Stephen Johann
Donna Johnson
Doug Johnson
Eric Johnson
Janice Johnson
Louis Johnson
Mary Johnson
Robert Johnston
Lillian (Jolliffe) Koerner
Florence Jonic
Alan Judd
Patricia (Kafafian) Zengel
(career link)
Carolyn Kahn
Amy (Karig) Sommer
Linda Karotz-Doochin
Priscilla Keffer
Thomas Keyser
(career link)
Thomas Keyser (business
Carol Klein
Francis Koller
(career link)
Kathryn Krause
(career link)
Dale (Krohe) Sterud
Bryant Kuhn
Donna Kurdock
in memory of
Russell Langfield
Kathie (Langla) Bangs
Timothy Lank
Roberta LaVorne
Charles Levermore
(career link)
Marshall Levin
Jeffrey Lindegard
Jeffrey Lischin
(career link)
in memory of
Ellen Liss
Robert Lomacchio
Thomas Lopardo
Phyllis Lubitz
Valerie (Lukas) Griffin
William Lukas
Robert Luth
Christopher Mack
(career link)
in memory of
Martha (Mardi) King
Christine Markel
Diana Martin-Dee
(career link)
Roger Maxfield
(career link)
Patricia McCrohan
Michael McCullough
Frank McGurty
Frank McGurty
Millicent (McIntosh) Sullivan
Thomas McNaney
Constance (Meeker) Parker
(career link)
(career link 2)
John Megaree IV
Kurt Menzel
Susan Mercereau
Bruce Miller
(career link)
Paul Monachese
Robert Monahan
Thomas Monarque
Ann Mooney
in memory of Jonathan Moore
Kathy Moore-Hudson
Geraldine Morrissey
Susan Mullis
Nancy Murphy
Patrick Murphy
(career link)
(career link 2)
Eric Musgrave
Scott Nebel
Diane Neigel
Peter O'Brien
Martin Opromollo
James Ostrom
Daniel Ostroth
(career link)
Debra (Outerbridge) Roeder
Marjorie (Ovens) Kreider
John Owens
(career link)
Louis Pappas
Louis Pappas
Elizabeth Percival
in memory of
Marie Phillips
Stephen Piper
Jill (Pollack) Truslow
Anthony Pollina
Glenn Portsmore
Stephen Pratt
Cathy (Probert) Justice
Patricia Puleo
Bette Quiat
(career link)
Elizabeth Quigley
Alison (Raab) Ruth
Marilyn (Raffo) Waters
Michael Ratzan
(career link)
Paul Redfield
Barbara (Remnick) Kaplan
(career link)
Roy Robbins
Cristina Rodriguez
Richard Rooney
Irene Roosma
Douglas Ruberl
(career link)
(career link 2)
Lynn Ruggero
Linda Russo
Emma Sabarese
Carolyn (Salisbury) Ponturo
in memory of
Joel Salzman
Richard Samuels
Victoria Sanford
Edward Saslaw
(career link)
Edward Saslaw (business)
Jonathan Sayles
(career link)
in memory of
Wendy Schagen
Kevin Schmitt
Kathy Schrader
Wade Schutzer
Diane Scognamillo
Richard Scott
in memory of
Ronald Shaw
Greg Shortway
in memory of Harry Sigmon
Craig Smith
Douglas Smith
Janice (Smith) Blakely
Michael Smith
Nancy Smith
Paul Smith
Peter Smith
in memory of
Yale Solonche
Mary Jo Stanley
Judy Steinbach
Paul Stekler
(career link)
Charlene (Stewart) Bastien
(career link)
Richard Stonier
Steven Suchart
Mary Jo (Suehnholz) Dervos
(career link)
Jane Suterwald
Mark Swanson
Patricia (Swed) O'Connor
in memory of
Andrea Tilbian
in memory of Timothy Tomai
(career link)
Linda (Trobunella) Quinn
Barbara Turner
in memory of
George Turrell
Amy-Jane Ullnick
Barbara (VanHorn) Christen Telynor
Paul VanLaere
Rita VanLaere
Robert VanPutten
in memory of Richard Varley
Raymond Vetter
Nancy VonNagy
Anne Walker
Kevin Walker
in memory of Robert Wallace
Edward Walsh
Damian Ward
James Ward
Alan Waters
Ruth Weaver
Patrice (Weimert) Parrish
(career link)
in memory of Douglas Weiser
Glenn Weiser
Glenn Weiser (web site)
Randy Weisman
(career link)
Thomas Weller
Eric Welsh
Debra Wiggins
in memory of Gary Wilcox
Geoffrey Willett
Frederick Wilson
James Winters
(career link)
Patricia Woods
Carmelita Zaisser
Allan Zanotti
Kathleen Zeni
Therese (Zock) Lochry
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~ ~
Privacy Statement: Please do not use this web site for
anything but your own personal use. Please do not "spam" (group unsolicited
e-mail) the e-mail addresses listed herein. This web site is designed and
intended exclusively for the use of the Glen Rock, NJ High School Classes and their families.
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