Glen Rock, NJ High School
Class of 1977
Class List with e-mail addresses
(Created and updated by Peter Ross)
Career Page
GR Class Reunions
Glen Rock News
GRHS Faculty
GR Links
New Links
Alpha A-H
Alpha I-M
Alpha N-Z
1959 Students
1960 Students
1961 Students
1962 Students
1963 Students
1964 Students
1965 Students
1966 Students
1967 Students
1968 Students
1969 Students
1970 Students
1971 Students
1972 Students
1973 Students
1974 Students
1974 Picture
1975 Students
1975 Photos
1976 Students
1977 Students
1978 Students
1979 Students
1980 Students
1981 Students
1982 Students
1983 Students
1984 Students
1985 Students
1986 Students
1987 Students
1988 Students
1989 Students
1990 Students
1991 Students
1992 Students
1993 Students
1994 Students
1995 Students
1996 Students
1997 Students
1998 Students
1999 Students
2000 Students
2001 Students
2002 Students
2003 Students
2004 Students
2005 Students
2006 Students
2007 Students
2008 Students
2009 Students
2010 Students
2011 Students
2012 Students
2013 Students
2014 Students
2015 Students
2016 Students
2017 Students
2018 Students
2019 Students
2020 Students
2021 Students
2022 Students
2023 Students
2024 Students
2025 Students
2026 Students
2027 Students
2028 Students
2029 Students
2030 Students

The "Career" page of this web site contains a wealth of useful information.  Please help support fellow Glen Rockers listed here by utilizing their talents and services.  Feel free to contact them for valuable advice they can provide you.  Click on the green to e-mail them, and click on the red to see their corporate web site.

The "College" page of this web site lists the Colleges alphabetically that Glen Rock High School Alumni have attended along with the students' e-mail links.  Feel free to ask them how they enjoyed their college experience.

The "Reunion" page of this web site should be an enormous help in organizing our reunions.  Please e-mail us to post information here at

On the individual year pages, you will find an alphabetical listing of classmates along with their e-mail addresses.  If their name is highlighted in green, then you can click to e-mail them.  If it is highlighted in blue, that means we have been unable to locate them.  Please let us know if you can help us locate them, or have them contact us at

There is a wonderful group of people that compose each class, and as the years pass it becomes increasingly difficult for people to stay in touch with each other. 
NOTE: Each class is not limited to those who happened to graduate with us.  It includes all those who would have been in our graduating year.

Please let us know your e-mail address(es) and web site(s) at

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Blue=Please help us find them.

Green=e-mail address (Click on these names to e-mail them.)

Italic=In memory of classmates reported as deceased.
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Lori (Amalfitano) Foschino  (career link)
Lori (Amalfitano) Foschino (business)
Deborah (Anderson) VanLangen
Lori Anderson
Karen (Andriate) McCourt  (career link)
Peter Appelbaum  (career link)
Maureen Ashe
Lynda (Babitz) Furnari  (career link)
Lynda (Babitz) Furnari  (business)
Jack Bandazian
Joseph Baumann
Carol (Bechard) Doot
Howard Beck
Bruce Beckwith
Alyson (Bender) Quandt
James Bergen
Lisa Beshlian
Joelle Best
Carrie Bianco
Steven Biegert
Scott Bishop
Charles Booth
Thomas Borge
William Brand
Edward Breare
Brian Brennan
in memory of Rodger Bresnee
Charla Brouwer
David Bucci
Richard Bucci
Mary-Ann (Buser) Ruckhaus
Patrick Callahan
Vinnie Caputo
Douglas Carter
Michael Case
Renee Cessario
Michele (Chaskin) Kadell
Marco Chavarria-Aguilar
Jennifer Claypoole
Kathleen Cogan
Julie (Cohen) Sloma
Elizabeth Coleman
Robert Conklin
in memory of Kathleen Connors
Jeanie Cooper
Carol (Corvino) Nutry
Frank Crowley
in memory of James Daglish
Margaret Davey
LuAnn (DeLucia) San Lorenzo  (career link)
Scott DePalma
Renee Dessel
Mark DiCarlo
Debra (DiGangi) Domain
Brian Doherty
Michael Dokouzian
Andrew Donnally
Debrann Dooner
Roseann Dooner
David Drillick
David Dykhuis
KC (Ebeling) Murphy
Shawn Emery
Laurie Englander
Catherine Erdmann
Glenn Evans
Susan Falk
Robert Farrell
Corinne Fauchon
Thomas Feeney
Kathleen (Ferris) Lanagan
Christopher Finn
in memory of Roy Finn
Daniel Fischer
Wendy Flores
Joan (Florio) Stewart  (career link)
Deborah (Francis) Emery
Diane Frazer
David Friedland  (career link)
Larry Furler
Lynn Furler
Angela (Gambardella) Lisciotto  (career link)
Marshall Geib
James Gillooly
Thomas Glennon
Gary Goodnough  (career link)
Scott Goodyear
Cheryl Gottesman
Martin Green
Judith Greenberg
Dorothy Greene
Jill Greenfield
Joseph Grundy
in memory of Lori Guttormsen
Ruth Guttormsen
Linda Hammond
Marjo Hellendorn
Jana Helton
Stephen Herr
Amy Hoffman
Darlene (Holley) Baptiste
in memory of Audrey Hugley
Margaret (Hull) Bocchino
Maureen (Isonio) Hsiao
Thomas Izer
Scott Jacobs
Kimberly Jeromin
Elaine Jung
Amy Kahn
Robyn Kaplan
Joanne Karas
Dale (Kashkin) Karl
Kevin Kassel
Nancy Keane
Kathleen Kennedy
David King
Aimee Kobb
Xenia (Koehler) Hsiao  (career link)
Julie (Kolb) Baker
Gerard Kramer
David Kunis
Barbara Lange  (career link)
Barbara Lange (alternate e-mail)
Mark Laskowski
Debra (Lauterbach) Steiger
Michael Lavin
Robert Leaper
Robert Leggett
Sally (Leonard) Dionisio  (career link)
Sally (Leonard) Dionisio (business)
Lauren Lepanto
Heidi Lewis
Janine Lieberman
Karen (Lipack) Erlich  (career link)
John Litchfield
Laurie (Loken) Brightly
Emil Lomauro
Gretchen Luft
Kim Luong
Leslie Luppino
in memory of Sidney Luth
Theresa MacDonald
John Magnifico  (career link)
Mark Mahony
in memory of Christopher Malone
in memory of James Marill
Robert Marshall  (career link)
Denise (Mathews) Bell
Suzanne Matilla
Andrew Mazur
Jane McCullough
Mary Meara
Linda Mendelsohn
Susan Mendelson
Patrick Miele
Henrick Mike-Mayer
April (Miller) Muccio  (career link)
Patricia Mohan
in memory of Judith Mosch
Christopher Mount  (career link)
Christopher Mount
in memory of Melissa Suzanne (Murphy) Maloney
in memory of Michael Murphy
Nancy (Natoli) Moxcey
Patricia Nunnally
Cynthia (Oberg) Tiensivu
Timothy O'Brien
Mary Beth O'Hara Bandazian
Richard Olson
in memeory of Robert Olson
Eric Omsberg
Charles O'Neill
Andrew Ostroth
Daniel Page  (career link)
Deborah (Parks) Ferry
Lucy (Pasquini) Schwarz
Victor Pasquini
Stephen Paxton
Richard Petrino  (career link)
Felicia (Pfeiffer) Angus  (career link)
Felicia (Pfeiffer) Angus (business)
Brenda (Pine) Rohlman
Cheryl Powley
Laurin Quiat
Anne Raible
Terri Rasmussen
Patricia "Heidi" (Rathe) Katz
Margaret Reid
in memory of Michael Rey
Stephen Rinbrand
Margaret Ritterman
Thomas Rohlman  (career link)
Patricia Romeo
Jane Romoff
Jane Roth  (career link)
Mark Rutkowski
Phyllis (Ryan) Kirk
Peggy Sappington
David Sayles, Jr  (career link)
Charles Schaefer
Ilene Schoff
Peter Schrettner
Steven Scolari
Brian Sheldon
Daniel Shumer
Sandra Sobanski
in memory of Thomas Stansfield
Suzanne Steffens
Douglas Stolte
Patricia Strickland
Ellen Taylor
Albert Tenkate, Jr.
Richard Traynelis
Ralph Trotta, Jr.
Steven Trued
Nanette (Tuason) Hardee
Paul Tuttle  (career link)
Paul Tuttle (business)
Nancy Ungar
Richard VanLangen
Patricia (Venho) Conklin
Paul Verdone
Christine Vetter
Stephen Vinson
Madeline Waldron
Elizabeth Walker
Robert Walters
Mary Watson
Lisa Webb
Peter Weisberg
Susan Wilder
John Wilson
Anne Worrell
Lloyd Yanis
Kimberlee Yates
Charles Zeugner, Jr.
in memory of Kirk Zwingman

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Privacy Statement:  Please do not use this web site for anything but your own personal use.  Please do not "spam" (group unsolicited e-mail) the e-mail addresses listed herein.  This web site is designed and intended exclusively for the use of the Glen Rock, NJ High School Classes  and their families.
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