Glen Rock, NJ High School
Class of 1978
Class List with e-mail addresses
(Created and updated by Peter Ross)
Career Page
GR Class Reunions
Glen Rock News
GRHS Faculty
GR Links
New Links
Alpha A-H
Alpha I-M
Alpha N-Z
1959 Students
1960 Students
1961 Students
1962 Students
1963 Students
1964 Students
1965 Students
1966 Students
1967 Students
1968 Students
1969 Students
1970 Students
1971 Students
1972 Students
1973 Students
1974 Students
1974 Picture
1975 Students
1975 Photos
1976 Students
1977 Students
1978 Students
1979 Students
1980 Students
1981 Students
1982 Students
1983 Students
1984 Students
1985 Students
1986 Students
1987 Students
1988 Students
1989 Students
1990 Students
1991 Students
1992 Students
1993 Students
1994 Students
1995 Students
1996 Students
1997 Students
1998 Students
1999 Students
2000 Students
2001 Students
2002 Students
2003 Students
2004 Students
2005 Students
2006 Students
2007 Students
2008 Students
2009 Students
2010 Students
2011 Students
2012 Students
2013 Students
2014 Students
2015 Students
2016 Students
2017 Students
2018 Students
2019 Students
2020 Students
2021 Students
2022 Students
2023 Students
2024 Students
2025 Students
2026 Students
2027 Students
2028 Students
2029 Students
2030 Students

The "Career" page of this web site contains a wealth of useful information.  Please help support fellow Glen Rockers listed here by utilizing their talents and services.  Feel free to contact them for valuable advice they can provide you.  Click on the green to e-mail them, and click on the red to see their corporate web site.

The "College" page of this web site lists the Colleges alphabetically that Glen Rock High School Alumni have attended along with the students' e-mail links.  Feel free to ask them how they enjoyed their college experience.

The "Reunion" page of this web site should be an enormous help in organizing our reunions.  Please e-mail us to post information here at

On the individual year pages, you will find an alphabetical listing of classmates along with their e-mail addresses.  If their name is highlighted in green, then you can click to e-mail them.  If it is highlighted in blue, that means we have been unable to locate them.  Please let us know if you can help us locate them, or have them contact us at

There is a wonderful group of people that compose each class, and as the years pass it becomes increasingly difficult for people to stay in touch with each other. 
NOTE: Each class is not limited to those who happened to graduate with us.  It includes all those who would have been in our graduating year.

Please let us know your e-mail address(es) and web site(s) at

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Blue=Please help us find them.

Green=e-mail address (Click on these names to e-mail them.)

Italic=In memory of classmates reported as deceased.
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Elizabeth (Allen) Weilbacker
Scott Amos
Bjorn Anderberg  (career link)
Alexa (Andriate) Dawson
Jayne (Angowski) Fahey
Wendy Ashton
Linda Avenoso
Thomas Balestier
Annette (Barbagallo) Finizio
Derek Barcinski
Pamela Barthel
Paul Bauberger
Catherine Berger
in memory of Ellen (Berney) Kushman
Claudia Besser
Richard Biagi
Martha (Blackwood) Simon
Patricia Blair
Susan (Blair) Flanagan
Thomas Blake
Larry Blumenstyk
Frederick Borchert
Gerard Brand
Shari Braverman
Laura Breare
Lynda Bresnee
Shawn Bresnee
Robert Brindley
Anthony Buttacavoli
Duncan Cameron
Robert Carter
Ellen (Cavanagh) Fierro
John Chadwick
Hyun Cho
Imelda Ciaccio
Rita (Ciaccio) Burnett
Beth Clark
Matt Cleaver
Patricia Clyburn
Diane Conklin
Loretta (Cordo) Pellechia
Caren Croland
Mark Cronin
Denny (Czock) Jobes
Suzanne (Davis) Salter
Gregory Dedian
Erik DePol

Mark Donner
Marie (Dowling) O'Neill
Elizabeth Dunn

in memory of Edward Ebeling
Mindy Eisman
Veronica Erb
Robert Everett  (career link)
Robert Fairbrother  (career link)
Peter Feinstein
Michael Finfer
Jonathan Finn
Peter Flinker
Linda (Foran) Harkins
Mark Foreman
Kenneth Freed
William Frei
Lawrence Friedman
Susan (Friedman) Zlotnick  (career link)
Karen Galatro
Robert Gelbert
Donald Gill
Therese Gilligan
David Goldberg
Jill Gray
Robert Gruninger, Jr.
in memory of Katherine (Gubb) Ward
in memory of Kevin Guess
Lisa Guide
Nancy Haas
Patricia (Hahn) McHugh  (career link)  (career link 2)  (career link 3)
in memory of Patrick Halpin
Terri Hemkes  (career link)
Siobhan (Heran) Diaz
Kathleen Hewitt
in memory of Robert Higgins
Eileen Higgins
Eileen Hilton
Sallie (Hotchkiss) Carson
Sallie (Hotchkiss) Carson
Geri (Iacovino) Ingram
Carolyn (Ishii) Satoh
Jodee (Jacobs) Winger  (career link)
Lise (Johansson) Chanin
Donna Johnson
Roy Johnson II
Kevin Jones  (career link)
Robert "Pat" Judge  (career link)
Lori Kafafian
Robert Kate
Jeanne (Keller) Rothman
Kenneth Kerbs  (career link)
*contact Ken for 20th Reunion Video
Michael Kerlen
Kathleen (King) Wilderman  (career link)

in memory of Shane King II
Andy Kinstler
Jill Kobuskie
Katherine (Koch) Doll
in memory of Susan Koenecke
Elise Kole
Steven Kramer
David Krantz
Barbara Lalicata
Eileen (Lavin) Zwerin
Kevin Lawhorn
Louisa (Leary) Messenbrink
Maurice Lemieux
Mary Lennon
Joanne Lenz
Brian Leto
Robert "Curtis" Levermore
Caryn (Lindegard) Grim  (career link)
Kenneth Lipack
Jaap Lievisse Adriaanse
Andrew Lobsenz
Richard Lopez  (career link)
Lou Lucibello
Ida Magnifico
Claier Malone
Charles Marcus
Valerie Martin
Alice Matthews
Walter McAloon
Michael McCullough
Ross McLaughlin
Mary "Cathy" (McPoland) Lombardo
Edward Merrill
Mark Messenbrink
Holly Meyer
in memory of Stephen Meyers
Rachelle Migdal
Kiowa Miller
Steven Misa
Nancy Monahan
Marlene Moni
Andrew Monti
Stephen Morrissey
Marla Moss
Marla Moss (business)
Karen Navarro
Nancy (Neiman) Brown
Thomas Neumann
Leslie Oakes
Kevin O'Connor
Margaret Oldham
Edward Ommundsen
Aery Park
Joan Partridge
Katherine Petraitis
Bruce Piper
Dolores Polen
Kenneth Potts
Darren Prince
Cynthia Rapenske
Alison Rigg
Denise (Riley) Kimball  (career link)  (career link 2)
Clifford Rinbrand
in memory of David Rivara
William Robb
Anita Rodriguez
in memory of Terence Ronayne
Paula Rosenfeld
Stacy (Rothenberg) Moscoe
Thomas Salvato  (career link)
Katherine Saunders
in memory of Richard Saunders
William Saunders
Kurt Schagen
Howard Schamach
Matthew Schawner
Devra (Schultz) McManus
Laura (Schwarz) Buckius
Charles Scott
Howard Shapiro  (career link)
Linda Sheehy
Carl Shen
Sandi (Sikkema) Wessel  (career link)
Sandi (Sikkema) Wessel (business)
Donna Simelunas
Marci Sindell
Elliot Singer
Stephen Skinner
Gary Snyder
Jonathan Steinberg
David Stekler  (career link)
Sally Stemper
Taryn (Stewart) Dunaj
Roland Tuason  (career link)
Sandy Tuason
Michael Tupanjanin
Diane (Turek) Pire
Allison Tynan
Luis Vera
Adrienne Verdone  (career link)
Mary Vidulich
Brian Vitting
Howard Wajchman
Richard Walker
Robert Walshe
Amy (Wattenberg) Sanders
Lori Weinrich
Steven Welish  (career link)
Susan (Wendel) Benson
Catherine White
Jennifer White
William Wright

in memory of Susan Wunder
Lori Zaisser
James Zolnoski
John Zolper  (career link)
in memory of Richard Zweibel

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Privacy Statement:  Please do not use this web site for anything but your own personal use.  Please do not "spam" (group unsolicited e-mail) the e-mail addresses listed herein.  This web site is designed and intended exclusively for the use of the Glen Rock, NJ High School Classes  and their families.
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